Bruno's Tower

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"Hey! Luisa, hold up!" Mirabel yelled, running after her sister, who was marching into town.

"Mirabel, wait up!" You ran after the both of them, eventually catching up to Mirabel.

"Where'd she go?" You asked, looking around, Luisa nowhere in sight.

"On it." You both heard a distant yell. The voice sounded familiar. It was Luisa's.

"This way." Mirabel grabbed your hand, dragging you to the place where the sound of Luisa's voice came from.

Climbing over a wall, you both saw Luisa picking up and collecting donkeys that went loose.

"Luisa!" Mirabel yelled, but fell forward, yelping as she fell to the ground and onto her face.

"Mirabel!" Holding in your laughter, you jumped down, landing next to her. You held out a hand, and she took it, standing back up.

"Thanks- Hey, Luisa! Wait a second!" She groaned, adjusting her glasses.

"You gotta tell us about the magic." Mirabel asked as you both caught up to Luisa. "What's going on? What are you hiding?"

"Nothing. Just got a lot of chores, so maybe you two should just go home." Luisa said.

A worried man slowly approached her. "Luisa, my house is leaning to the..."

Luisa walked over to the house and kicked it back into place.

"Dolores said your eye was twitching, and it never twitches. Something's making you nervous." Mirabel concluded, now walking backwards in front of Luisa.

"Hey, move. You're gonna make me drop a donkey." Luisa told her, avoiding the question.

"Luisa, will you just..." Mirabel scoffed. "Just tell me what it is."

"There's nothing to tell." Luisa stated, walking away.

"You're obviously worried about something." Mirabel provoked. "Luisa, if you know what's hurting the magic, and it gets worse 'cause you won't tell me what's wrong-"

"Nothing's wrong!" She shouted at Mirabel, even surprised by her own tone of delivery.

You and Mirabel looked at each other with wide eyes and then back at Luisa.

"Wow, uh, sorry. That, uh... That snuck out there. What I meant was, um... Why would anything be wrong?" Luisa placed down the donkeys and then picked up you and Mirabel, placing you guys to the side with the donkeys.

"I'm totally fine. The magic's fine. Luisa's fine. I'm totally not nervous." She placed her hands on her hips, her eye twitching as she did so.

"Your eye is doing the thing..." Mirabel pointed out.

Luisa finally cracked and vented about her many anxieties. Those of which she lists are about supporting the family and the community.

She's always expected to be the strong one of the family and she's always having to carry the family's weight.

And she does everything without any hesitation or rumination. Not once does she ever think about how difficult or dangerous a task may be.

And on top of accomplishing these tasks, she has to do it without complaining. She worries that if she cannot fulfill these requests, then she would have no purpose in the family or in life.

You and Mirabel only listened, unable to do anything as Luisa's temporary therapists.

Luisa panted, trying to keep herself from hyperventilating as she finished venting.

An Elemental Bender {Camilo Madrigal x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now