Dinner with the Guzmáns

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Everyone, including you, joined Abuela and the Guzmáns at the table. Your seat was between Mirabel's and Tío Agustín's, and so, pulling out your chair, you sat down.

Eyeing Dolores as you sat down, you stared nervously at her. Mirabel also stared intensely at her, not breaking eye contact.

"The Guzmáns and the Madrigals together will be so good for the encanto." Abuela said.

"Yes." Mariano's mother agreed. "Then let's hope tonight is not a horrible disaster."

They laughed, and Abuela made a toast. "To a perfect night! Salud!"

"Salud!" Everyone said, raising their drinks in the air.

With her every move, Mirabel stared down Dolores from across the table. She had to make sure she didn't spill the information to anyone.

You chuckled nervously and took a sip of your drink, still watching Mirabel and Dolores. Mariano then held a bowl in front of Mirabel's face, preventing her from seeing Dolores.

"Avocado?" He asked.

Mirabel grunted, grabbing the bowl and moving it to the side. But she was just a little too late, for she saw Dolores whispering to Camilo.

Camilo stared at you and Mirabel before choking. He hit his chest, shape-shifting multiple times until he was googly eyed.

Abuela and Mariano's mother whipped their heads towards Camilo. But Abuela laughed it off and poured herself some more wine.

"Camilo. Fix your face." His father told him.

The teen, having heard this phrase a handful of times, shook his head. His face returned to normal, and it left him completely unfazed. You chuckled softly as he looked at the both of you.

"Water?" Isabela asked, holding the pitcher of water in front of Mirabel.

Shoving the pitcher of water to the side, she found Camilo whispering over to his father.

Tío Félix, who was drinking water, widened his eyes and spat out the water everywhere. The water had sprayed the table, covering everything that was on it.

You stared at him and the table, cringing in disgust. Mariano also shared the same facial expression as you.

Tío Félix cleared his throat and Mirabel's head shot towards Abuela, who was asking for the cream.

"Pá, the cream?" She asked, eyeing the bowl. He chuckled nervously, grabbing it and handing it to Mirabel with a shaky hand.

She took notice of this and quickly grabbed it, passing it over to Isabela. And when she did, she spotted Tío Félix whispering to Tía Pepa, who had a cloud forming above her head.

She stared widely at you and Mirabel, her jaw dropping. Mirabel tensed up with worry written all over her face.

Gasping, you both turned toward Abuela, who reminded Tía Pepa about the cloud.

Repeatedly, she whispered, "Clear skies" while touching her hair.

You buried your face in your hands when you saw Tía Pepa leaning over to tell Tía Julieta. This was it. This could not possibly get any worse. You and Mirabel were doomed.

Mirabel quickly sipped her drink while looking down. And as she did so, she noticed the ground tiles cracking, spreading below her chair.

Her gasp caught your attention, and you peeked out from between your fingers. You watched as she ducked under the table.

"Mirabel?" Mariano called out.

She shot up, grunting as she hit her head under the table.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

An Elemental Bender {Camilo Madrigal x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now