Throwing Hands

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Dragging Camilo down the staircase with you, you both made your way to the courtyard. Seeing how the rest of the family was getting ready to leave the house, you hurried and rushed over to them.

"Perfect. Just in time." You smiled, sprinting up to the others.

"Okay, so, we'll do our part, help the townspeople, blah, blah, blah, and then I'll see you after." You whispered into Camilo's ear, your warm breath sending shivers down his spine.

"But what if I don't wanna do my part? What if I wanna spend the whole day with you?" He whispered back.

You laughed softly. "You don't have a choice, mi amor. The faster you get stuff done, the sooner you'll be able to see me."

"Uh huh. Says the one who is still holding my hand." He smirked, holding up his hand that you still had a tight grip on.

"Oh, my bad." You apologized and let go of his hand, the warmth from your hand leaving his.

Camilo frowned. "Aw, why'd you let go?" He was about to grab your hand again when you pulled it away before he could.

He stared at you with a confused look on his face.

"Like I said, the faster you get stuff done, the sooner you'll be able to see me." The smirk that was on his face before was now on yours.

He squinted his eyes at you. "Alright, then." He chuckled.

As you and the Madrigals walked out the front doors, you all dispersed and went your separate ways. A group of kids started geeking out as you guys walked past them.

"Oh my gosh, it's them!" They exclaimed.

"What are the gifts?" One asked. "I can't remember all the gifts!"

"But I don't know who is who!" Another said.

"Alright, alright. Slow down. One at a time." Mirabel said, adjusting her walking speed.

They bombarded her with handfuls of questions, slowing her down from the rest of the group.

Turning around, you walked backward, so that you were facing Mirabel. You chuckled at the situation she was in and waved goodbye to her.

Looking up from the group of kids at her feet, she laughed nervously and waved back. You then went to go look for some townspeople in need of help.

~An hour later~

After helping most of the townspeople, you were finally on your last task of the day. You only needed to help a family water their garden and then you'd finish for the day. It also meant that you'd be able to see Camilo.

While you did that, you also happened to stumble across Mirabel. You watched from afar as she tried to escape the bickering and never-ending questions. Laughing, you continued to help water the garden.

Using your powers, you gathered the water from the nearby river and brought it over to the house. Shaping it so that it was a sheet of water, you carefully laid it down on top of the soil. The water then disappeared as it seeped into the dirt.

With that done, you dusted off your hands and placed them on your hips.

"There you go, Mr. and Mrs. Sánchez." You said with pride.

Sometimes, your powers weren't all that bad. You loved how you could use them to help others in need.

"Oh, thank you so much, (Y/N). You don't know how much this means to us." Mr. Sánchez said.

"Of course, it's no problem. If you ever need any more help, I'm always here." You offered, exiting their garden through their back gate.

"Alright. Again, thank you, (Y/N)." Mrs. Sánchez waved.

An Elemental Bender {Camilo Madrigal x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now