Sway with Me

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Camilo stared at you, lost for words. "I—I, uh..." He stuttered.

He snapped out of it and quickly changed his demeanor. "Y-Yeah, sure, I'm cool with that." He shrugged.

He placed his other hand on his hip, trying to act all cool and collected. You laughed at his response, continuing to lean your head on his shoulder.

The cheers Antonio received when he returned grabbed both of your attentions.

Abuela knelt down in front of him, holding his face. "I knew you could do it! A gift just as special as you."

She then gasped. "We need a picture! Everyone! Come, come, come! It's a great night! It's a perfect night!"

"Sorry, madam, but duty calls." Camilo said, gently removing his arm from around you. You lifted your head from his shoulder, allowing him to leave.

"Of course, of course, Your Excellency." You bowed down.

"We shall meet again soon." And carefully taking your hand, he kissed it.

Giggling, you shooed him off. "Alright, my knight in shining armor. Now, go."

Camilo two-finger saluted you and ran up to the group. The entire Madrigal family now standing together, preparing to pose for the camera. Everyone was there. Everyone except... Mirabel.

"Everyone, together! La Familia Madrigal!"

You noticed how Mirabel didn't go up to join them in the picture, so you turned to the side to tell her, but she wasn't there.

"Mirabel?" You asked, looking around for her.

Another headache from out of nowhere suddenly hit you, but this time, it was much worse. You felt as if you were going to throw up and your vision blurred slightly. Almost tipping over, a person who was nearby caught you.

"Hey, kid, you okay?" He asked.

You looked up at him, not knowing why he immediately screamed and ran away. Your eyes were once again glowing white, but you didn't know that.

He ran off, screaming, leaving you to stumble and almost fall to the ground. Finding a nearby wall, you rested your body against it. You cried silently as the pain only seemed to get worse.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, (Y/N)." Camilo said, rushing over to you. You remained leaning against the wall, not opening your eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked, gently grabbing your shoulders and making you face him. Opening your eyes, your vision seemed to clear, but it was still blurry because of the tears.

"I-I'm fine." You blinked, the tears rolling down your face.

Camilo placed his hands on your cheeks, cupping your face in his hands. With his thumbs, he wiped away the tears.

"You don't look 'fine'." His brows furrowed. "You don't need to lie to me, (Y/N)."

"N-No, seriously, I'm fine." You grabbed his arm reassuringly. Camilo searched your eyes, only to see pain and hurt.

"You're not fine. You're staying with me for the rest of the night." He ordered, holding you close to him as you both walked over to the tree where everyone else was.

"Alright, alright, fine, fine. I need to give Antonio his present, anyway." You and Camilo walked over to the tree, where there was a lot of commotion and partying going on.

Walking up the steps and to where Antonio and the others were, Tía Julieta spotted you both and ran up to you guys.

"Ah, (Y/N), Camilo, there you are." She looked at your face and sensed something was wrong.

An Elemental Bender {Camilo Madrigal x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now