Raising Cain

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(Drawing of Corrupted (Y/N) by yours truly)

~(Y/N)'s P.O.V.~

Your hands gripped at your face as your body racked violently.

The disturbing feeling of another being fusing with your own disgusted you. But there was nothing you could do about it. She was already almost in full control.

In the dome made from the black ooze, there was complete darkness. Utter darkness and silence, despite the chaos that was happening beyond the dome.

Besides the silence, there were also your ear-deafening yells and screams. Yells and screams which nobody could hear as the black ooze was thick enough to block out any light and sound.

"Are you ready, (Y/N)?" You felt a voice whisper in your ear.

"W-Who's there?" You panicked, turning around toward the source of the voice. But there was no point in doing so since you wouldn't be able to see who was talking.

"Don't worry, you'll find out soon..." The voice disappeared, leaving you all alone with just your thoughts to keep you company. That, and also the black ooze that surrounded you.

Furrowing your brows in confusion, you were hit with a sudden feeling of sickness and had the urge to throw up.

"What the heck?..." You whispered, clutching your stomach.

Falling down to the floor and onto your knees, chills ran up and down your body continuously. You felt... weak.

Collapsing down to the ground, you groaned. More unfamiliar memories came flooding into your mind. And it was then they kept occurring, you were actually convinced they were your own memories.

"Yes, my dear child, accept the transformation..." The same voice from earlier spoke, but this time, you heard it from inside your head.

Unable to do anything, you just closed your eyes and allowed the darkness to take full control over you.

Giving up was your best option, since the dominance of this entity was too strong for you to fight on your own. Soon enough, you and this unknown entity had become one body and mind.

During the process of your transformation, your clothing had changed into a dress. It had long, light lavender sleeves and a sweetheart-like bodice that was a darker shade of purple.

Crystals that represented the elements decorated the sleeves that draped your shoulders. The necklaces you wore around your neck also held the colors of the major elements.

Your hair was loose, and it flowed along with the wind and it mimicked the movement of water. On your face were white markings, each of them representing a corresponding element.

As you laid on the ground with your eyes still closed, a smirk met your face and an evil chuckle left your lips.

Eventually, you stood up. And soon enough, the black ooze dissipated, revealing your newly transformed self.

Upon opening your eyes, you inspected the piles of rubble and debris on the ground. You bent down and grabbed a handful of the debris before standing back up.

"Aw, what a pity..." You grinned sinisterly, messing around with the debris in your palm.

Mirabel's head shot up instantly when she heard the voice. With the candle still in hand, or with what remained of it, she stood up and looked around.

"(Y/N)?" She called out, and turning around, she saw you. But it wasn't you...

"Sorry to disappoint..." You said, turning around to face Mirabel. "...but (Y/N)'s gone."

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