14: Answer it

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'Hey sorry Sarah, but I need to go'

'What, no!'

'Sorry, I got to get to work'

'Okay then, Rafe could give you a drive'

Sarah looked at Rafe making him look back with a death glare, he was mostly confused to wh both of his sisters were acting kinda weird.

'What? No, I'll walk.'

'Well, that sucks. Cause I didn't ask you'

Sarah clapped back really wanting Rafe to drive here.

Belle rolled her eyes and looked at Sarah with a "shut up' since she didn't wanna embarrass herself since she thought Rafe didn't wanna bring here to.

'It's fine, I'll drive you there'

Rafe said standing up from his seat leaving Belle in total shock and Sarah just happy.


Sarah said after pushing Belle out of the house



Sarah said excited that they'd have some alone time for whatever reason.

'To the country club right?'

'Don't act like you don't know where I work'

Belle said laughing at his comment knowing that he was trying to start a conversation

'Just making sure'

Rafe said after getting in the car as well

They both didn't say a lot since but Belle just kept thinking about it until she couldn't stop thinking about it.

'Have you ever been in love'

She said while leaning on the counter with her shoulder and looking outside her window.

Rafe was a little surprised and didn't know what to say

'No, I haven't'

Rafe said while looking at the girl since she was still not looking at him.

Belle didn't respond so he decided to speak up.


'No, I haven't'

Belle said while finally turning around and looking at him with the two staring at each other for a moment before he turned back and focused on the road.

'We have arrived'

Belle got out of his car and said

'Merci pour la balade.'

While bowing jokingly

'A tout moment'

'Au revoir'

'Au revoir'

Rafe said while smiling hoping to receive a genuine smile back and surprisingly he did.

'I like your smile'

Rafe said while making eye contact again leaving Belle not knowing what to say cause no one really made comment about her smile, maybe because she just put on a fake smile most of the time.

She also hadn't expect Rafe Cameron to give someone a compliment for there smile.

She was to surprised that she just smiled at him, a genuine smile, being apprecative for the comment.

Rafes' smile only got bigger when he saw her genuine smile again.

'Well, au revoir again.'

'Au revoir'

Au revoir || Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now