22: Jealousy

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They got to the party, Rafe stopped his bike and Belle immediately let go off him and before she could take of her helmet, Rafe did.

'Here you go'

Rafe whispered to himself, but not quiet enough for her to not hear.

'Thanks for the jacket'

Belle pushed the jacket into his chest and Rafe didn't say anything, couldn't say 'your welcome', feeling bad about how he talked to her and how he couldn't even apologise. But he was also confused by her sudden mood change

She then also got off the bike and already started to walk, not wanting to go in with him, the ride was fun, but she still didn't forget what happened, even if he was high on coke, she couldn't forget it, and after all, it's not like he said sorry after it happened, while he had the chance to. But she didn't know that's what he wanted to do all along, but it was probably the best like this, but he'd never forget the kiss, best one he ever had. Even if it was her first kiss ever, that he didn't know, apparently she was a natural.

'Wait up'

Rafe said with a loud tone, but not yelling.

Belle didn't answer but just kept walking, acting like he wasn't there. That's what he was scared of, falling for her harder then he thought he could, and her not being there to help him get up.

Before she could get in, Rafe ran to the door so he got to get in with her.

There was a huge crowd, everyone was already drunk, dancing and making out. Rafe put his hand on her back, so she'd be close to him in the huge crowd, Belle could feel a shiver down her entire body, the moment his skin touched hers. Even slightly.

The moment they got out the crowd, Belle pulled his hand of her back, even if she didn't actually wanted it. Rafe looked at her with an understanding and sorry face, but mostly regretting.

'Belle, -'

Before he could say anything else, the party thrower showed up.

'Kook king! I see you brought someone with you.'

The guy said while winking at Belle. Rafe started to stand a bit infront of Belle, thinking it was unnoticable, but however no one noticed, Belle did.

'No, I'm actually here by myself'

Belle said annoyed, stepping away from behind Rafe. Making him annoyed, because he knew, just like everyone else, every guy there just wanted a girl, to be able to play with her. To say it nicely. That's one reason she honestly didn't like parties, also just people getting drunk and in this case it was rich, spoiled people talking shit about pogues while either sniffing cocaine or doing something that rich people do. Most of them do both.

'So that means I could get your number?'

The guy said taking a step closer to Belle, and she could notice Rafe tense up


Belle said in the flirtiest way ever where the guy winked at her and he walked off whispering something in her ear.

She was about to just say 'no' because that was what she always did, but then remembered she wasn't only her to keep an eye on Rafe, she was also hear so his eyes would be on her.

Rafes smile dropped thinking she'd reject him, he couldn't take it but just brushed it off, atleast he tried to.

'You want a drink?'

Rafe asked rather quiet still not knowing if she was talking to him or not, he didn't even know if he should be talking to her.


Au revoir || Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now