Chapter 48 You Jump I Jump, Right?

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Chapter 48: You jump I jump, right?

I was just kind of . . . literally hanging at Julian's window. He quickly ran over to me, saying incoherent things in Spanish. Not that I ever heard Spanish clearly anyway.

"Why?" was all he asked.

I didn't have the capacity to explain at the moment. "You're gonna have to pull me up because my upper body strength is about to leave any second," I said as Julian tried to figure out what was going on.

"You never fail to surprise," he commented before grabbing my arms.

I tried to grab onto him, so it would make it easier for him to pull me into the room. However, Julian Aylmer slept without a shirt on. I could only grab onto his skin which probably would only cause him pain than anything else. "You couldn't put a shirt on?" I mumbled.

"Why don't you give me a call next time to be prepared for this, eh?"

Oh there definitely wasn't going to be a next time.

I was still hanging mostly outside. Julian used one of his arms to wrap around under my left arm and around in almost a hug. He pulled me as far up as he could before sliding the other arm around my waist. I didn't even care at this point that my shirt had been riden up, leaving Julian to make direct skin contact. He managed to pull me into his room. I clung to him tightly, for the sake of my life. Unfortunately, in this process, I pulled a shoulder muscle.

"You're heavy," Julian muttered next to my ear. I was still leaning against him, in a hugging position.

"Ow. My shoulder," I said in pain. He let go, pulling back. "Wait, you called me heavy?"

"Cassie, really?" he asked in disbelief. "What's wrong with your shoulder?"

"Nothing. I think I pulled a muscle," I said closing my eyes for a second and taking a deep breathing before releasing it. "Swear ever since that accident, I have been putting pressure on it, unwantingly."


"Yeah. Just forget it. It'll go away," I said trying to ignore it. It hurts less to pretend the pain doesn't exist. "By the way, thanks for saving my life and for calling me fat."

"You're welcome and I did not call you fat. What I implied was that you may have . . . heavy muscles not necessarily the adipose tissue." Oh so fat muscles but not fat tissues?

"Stop with the anatomy stuff. I didn't almost die out on your window for no reason." I was kind of surprised at how easily he had changed the subject along with me.

"Have a seat and do explain," he said and yawned as he started walking towards the closed door.

"Don't turn on the lights!" I said as he reached over and turned the lights on. Immediately, he turned them off.

"I can't even properly see you let alone have a conversation."

"Julian, come on, let's get this over with. I really need to be out of here ASAP," I told him impatiently. He sighed and walked back, and sat on his bed. "Do you wanna put a shirt on?"

"No." He apparently didn't get the message that I wanted him to put a darn shirt on.

"It's just weird--"

"Cassie, sit down and get to the point," he ordered. Grumpy much? I sat down on the edge of his bed with my feet touching the floor. He wrapped his blanket around himself and waited for me. "You know it's really strange seeing someone climbing my window in the middle of the night. There must be an important enough reason behind it."

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