Chapter 31 Horror Campout Revenge

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Chapter 31: Horror Campout Revenge

As usual, I went jogging at five thirty in the morning. The roads were empty, the weather was foggy, and the people were sleeping. As I went down the sidewalk towards the Crowell mansion, I noticed some tall figures. Slowing down, I squinted in the fog and found four guys talking loudly. All of them stood in front of the Crowell mansion, whispering loudly. I walked downed the street and hid behind a bush, couple of feet away.

All faces were unfamiliar except for Lucas Crowell's. Why was he even out at this early hour?

"Okay, guys, understood?" he asked them. The three teenage boys nodded. "Good. One more time. You will see a short, brown haired, brown eyed girl with a ponytail, jogging down the street. Just harrass her, not too much. She might go to the cops, for all we know. Just keep annoying her until I come and save her from all of you. Clear?"

Wasn't this interesting? I knew for a fact he was talking about me. But the actual question was: what is the point of hiring some idiots to harrass me?

"Why are we doing this?" one of the guys asked. He seemed awfully sleepy.

"For money. Also, I need to impress her," Lucas grinned. I rolled my eyes at his statement. This was going to be fun.

I went back down in the opposite direction and then turned around. Acting normal, I jogged down the street. The three boys soon came into view as I neared Lucas's house gate.

One of them wolf whistled when they saw me. I ignored him. "Hey, baby doll," the only blond/sleepy one said as he caught up next to me.

"Ew. Idiots," I muttered as the trio joined my side. Oh they wanted to jog? Guess, we were going to have a good time running, then.

"Aw, she is one of the tougher ones," the tall brunette commented.

"Tougher the better," the short brunette grinned. Too bad they were all still taller than me. Being short was a curse, I swear.

"So lucky I left my pepper spray at home, today," I muttered to myself. I've always wanted to use it, but never got the chance.

Slowly, I picked up my speed. The boys were obviously still tired. They didn't seem like people who woke up early, normally. They didn't seem like goons either, to be honest.

I kept running faster and took a u-turn at the dead end. One of them tried to grab my arm, but I slipped out of his grasp just in time. Then, I did something that was going to make me dizzy.

I ran around in large circles. The boys were stupid enough to chase me in a single file. They really needed some martial arts lessons or watch action movies. You don't chase in a single line. After like ten minutes, I got tired and sat down on the edge of a broken brick fence. I swung my legs back and forth like a little kid.

The boys finished two circles before they realized I had stopped running.

"I'm taking a break," I yelled for them. "Time out." I did the sign, making a T with my hands. All of them seemed more exhausted than I was. They took seats by my sides, breathing heavily. "You all need to work out more," I commented.

"It's too early in the morning," the blondie stated.

"True," I shrugged as we all saw Lucas come in running. He looked out frantically, a worried look on his face. "He's really annoying," I said.

"Spoiled son of a billionaire," the shorty said with resentment. "So, you know about this?" he asked. All three of them waited for my response. I simply shrugged.

That's when Lucas spotted the three guys and I sitting on the broken, brick fence. A confused look came over his face as he walked over to us. "What is going on?"

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