The deal

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Chapter 5: The deal

After I finished telling my side of the story, I asked Piper and Julian for theirs.

"You should have been there, Sandy! Julian used so many of the stereotypical British slangs. He was like, 'Gabe, why are you wearing knickers in the middle of winter!' You should've seen Gabe's face! Oh, and Jenna was kind of surprised how we got together. I don't think she believed us," Piper explained.

"Eh. Who cares about Jenna? Tell me more!" I insisted.

"Oh okay. Julian also said some things in Spanish to Gabe. I couldn't really understand since he speaks Spanish from Spain," Piper said sadly. Piper really loved learning foreign languages, especially Spanish. In school, Spanish language focused mainly on the Spanish that was spoken in the Latin American countries. My poor friend.

"What did you say, Julian?" I asked the foreigner.

"That it wasn't very nice of him to break up with his long term girlfriend today. Also, it was impolite of him to cheat on her," Julian answered.

"Impolite? He was a lying and cheating bast--brat!" I was trying to stop any curses from escaping since Gabe wasn't worth it.

"That's not nice," Julian said. He sat in the passenger seat next to Piper.

"Since when did you start thinking I was nice?" I challenged.

Julian turned and looked past his shoulder, directly at me. "Ever since you told me you were going to help take revenge for your friend," he told me.

I stared right back at him. He had a point.

"Hey, can someone else please drive?" Piper said before I could say anything.

"Why?" I asked half-confused and half-worried. I couldn't see her face since I sat on the back seat.

"My head's aching, and I can't keep my eyes on the road due to the rain," she explained.

"I can't drive. I'm half-blind," I told her as I clutched the soft lens in my palm.

"Julian?" Piper asked hopefully.

"I'm going to be fully blind if we let him drive," I said horrified by the thought.

"You're so sweet, Cassie, but I know how to drive," he said with a smile.

"In another country! And no, you can't! You will go ahead and drive on the left side of the road!"

"How's that wrong?" he asked baffled.

Even Piper stared at him for a second before turning her eyes back on the road.

"Julian, we drive on the right side of the road. Right is right," I replied with a small sigh.

"Alright. I'll just drive on the wrong side," he muttered.

I just shook my head at the foreigner.

Piper pulled the car to the side and switched with Julian.

"Wait, who's that?" Piper asked from her seat. She was pointing straight ahead.

"I can't see very well," I said frustrated. I could see blinking lights, but nothing other than that. I wished I had perfect vision. But then again, it was raining pretty hard.

Julian slammed his hand on the steering wheel, and we heard a loud honk.

"What was that for?" I asked him, surprised.

"I think the person needs help. The blinkers are on. Maybe the car broke down or something," he explained nodding towards the lights.

"Who cares? Let's skedaddle. I need to get home. I still smell like Axe perfume!"

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