Chapter 36 Did th-the Kiss Mean Anything To You?

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Chapter 36: Did th- the kiss mean anything to you?

Lucas Crowell spent the rest of his day with a bloody nose. The teachers hadn't seen it, and the students weren't snitches. I, fortunately, got away with punching the brat. Lucas did give me glares and looks of hatred. I suppose getting punched wasn't something he was used to. But I had warned him. One either walks away or punches that...

"Nice punch, Cassie," Julian told me with a grin. The group had returned to the tents. Leonardo had helped set up the bonfire for everyone to enjoy. I sat next to Julian, replaying the scene of a shocked and amazed Lucas after getting punched.

"You saw it?"

"That might not happen again, so I had to see it," he shrugged. I gave him a small smile. "Mind you, Lucas is quite unhappy."

"I doubt anyone would be jumping in joy after getting punched," I told him flatly.

"True. And you could have hit him less hard." He had a serious look on his face.

"Yes, mother. Would you like me to go apologize now as well?"

"As splendid of an idea that is, I would suggest not," he said. "Also, you must keep yourself away from any more violent acts."

"But you gave me permission."

"Doesn't make it a non-violent act."

"You are a goody too shoes," I muttered.


"You are that person who always wants to do the right thing, always being too nice, always being so...good!" I explained.

"And that's a bad quality?" he asked leaning slightly closer.

"Not necessarily," I shrugged, not sure of what to reply to his question. "Can be annoying."

Julian didn't say anything, so we quietly sat there watching people. Some were loudly chattering, some whispering, and others seemed to be trying to figure out what to do. I saw Piper sitting there quietly, trying to roast a marshmallow. She wasn't even really paying attention to the marshmallow that was on fire. Her mind was obviously elsewhere.

"Cassie?" Julian's voice broke my thoughts.


"Can I ask you a question?"

I loked at him and grinned. "Even if I say no, you are still going to ask. So, go for it."

"Why are you holding so many grudges?" I gave him a confused look. "Cassie, Piper's your friend. How long will you stay angry at her for doing something accidental? The only thing that will happen is a loss of a good friendship."

"What do you want me to do, Julian?" I said tiredly.

"Forgive her. She has been here for you, hasn't she? Especially when no one else was," he said.

I gave him a look. "It's Piper. She stuck with me because no one else would listen to her continuous talking."

"But she still stayed."

"Point being?"

"Go accept her. Nothing is worse than losing a friend over a useless thing," he said, giving me a small push to get up.

I stood up with a defeated look. "I hate you for always being right," I told him.

"I suppose I better start being wrong, then," he grinned.

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