Chapter 53 Will You Go To Prom With Me, Jenna?

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Chapter 53: Will You Go Prom With Me, Jenna?

Cassie's POV

Devastated and infinitely-confused, I sat in my car with Piper right beside me. She had been waiting for me when I stormed away from the school--and Julian--crying. I told her everything, hoping she would figure things out for me. Because I wasn't getting anything straight in my own head.

"Sandy, why are you crying? Julian's the one who got rejected," said Piper handing me tissues. I didn't take them rather sat with my arms around my knees.

"I hurt him, Piper. Every single word I said did nothing more than cause him more pain," I said feeling awful.

"So now you care?"

I immediately met her eyes and asked, "What do you mean 'now' I care? I've always cared!" Those words surprised me as well. First time in high school, I admitted that I cared. I actually cared.

Piper gave me a frustrated look. "Then why won't you accept the rest of your feelings?" I didn't say anything. "Sandy, you're crying because he was hurt. You are crying because he lied to you and you still looked past that-something you don't do. You're crying because you-you know he'll leave. You're crying because you are confused." As much as I hated to admit it, she was right.

"I hate this, Piper. I hate this!"

"You hate confessing that for once, maybe you like someone other than Lucas Crowell," she said softly.

"I don't." I wiped my face and looked out the front window at the pouring rain. I wasn't even sure whether I liked Lucas or not. Oh we needed to talk.

"Oh yeah, sorry," she said nodding. "What I meant to say was that maybe you love someone-"

"I don't love Julian!" I denied with clenched teeth, glaring at her. Piper made an issue out of nothing. Julian's heartbroken look kept crossing my mind. He deserved much better.

"I never said it was Julian."

"You implied it," I retorted.

"Uh huh. Why can't you for a second tell the truth?" she asked. I opened my mouth to argue but she kept talking. "Not just to me, Sandy. To yourself. To Julian. To Lucas. You're in such a horrible mess with the boys. You need to clear everything!"

I sighed, knowing full well that I had to do that. "I don't know about Julian, but Lucas-me and him need a serious talk," I told her.

Piper looked at me with an expression of pity. "Poor Lucas. He probably already knows you don't like him, the way you've been treating him."

My mood was just getting worse. With an angry look, I said, "People get into fights. I know I've been avoiding him but he has been doing the same for me! Everyone always wants to put the damn blame on me. He lied to me. Him and Julian both lied to me."

"Then, why are you just mad at Lucas? With Julian-you're crying over him being hurt. He lied to you as well," said Piper calmly. Julian also confessed. She was asking these questions on purpose. She really needed to stop taking this psychologist thing too seriously.

"Lucas isn't the one leaving in eight days," I told her. It still seemed surreal that Julian was going back to Spain. Leaving. Forever. "Lucas isn't the one who actually bothered with me since the day we met. Lucas isn't the one who knows me so well. Lucas isn't the one-" I shut up when I saw Piper smirking. "What?""

"Lucas isn't 'the one' for you, I guess then," she replied and my face paled as I realized what I had been blabbering. "It's funny though how easily you defend Julian."

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