Chapter 41 I Am Dead Serious, C. C.

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Chapter 41: I Am Dead Serious, C. C.

I walked down to the cafeteria for lunch, not really feeling up to eating. Then again, Lucas wasn't worth skipping food for.

It was just my luck that the senior lounge was closed today for cleaning. I was going to have to sit in the regular cafeteria with the weird untamed animals that called themselves people.

I spotted Piper pretty quickly and we decided to take the table in the back. "How was your day?" she asked once we settled down.

"Interesting. What about yours?" I asked for the sake of politeness.

"It was okay. This morning when I was coming to school, I accidentally ran over someone's mailbox," she said with a guilty look.

"Did you try to fix it or at least let the people know?"

"Not really. I mean they can always fix it later. I was running late," she shrugged.

"Don't ever bring up something like this again. First, you run over someone's mailbox and then just walk away. That's a hit-and-run," I said outraged by her stupidity. People were selfish but this was ridiculous. "What if someone did that to you, Piper?"

"Just forget it. Never mind I said anything," she said pursing her lips.

Great, now Piper wasn't too happy. I was on a roll today, being miserable myself and making everyone else unhappy as well.

Soon, Megan joined our table, ready to start chatting. When she saw the moods, she kept her mouth shut and said nothing.

Julian and Cheryl followed right behind her. Great, she was still here.

"Hiya," Cheryl smiled at us all. I wondered how rude "biya" would sound as a reply. Then again, why would I be worried about how rude I was? Freedom of speech.

"Why looking so gloomy?" Julian asked us.

"Because I can't deal with people any longer. Why can't everyone just do the right thing for once? Is it that hard?" I asked angrily.

"No need to let your anger out on me," Julian said raising his hands in defeat. "Mind you, doing the right thing isn't always the easiest."

I looked at him. "Thanks for the vote of support, Julian."

"Cassie, you're upset. Let's just eat lunch," he said calmly.

I said nothing but went to open my bag. Might as well not waste the hand cooked meal made by my grandmother. She had put in a small sandwich, an apple, a water bottle, and a small, yellow bag of Lays chips. I only liked the water and sandwich. Apples were gross and Lays chips barely had taste aside from salt. Even food wasn't in my favor.

"Ladies and gentlemen!"

I slowly looked up at the voice. A wave of confusion was on everyone's face as Lucas Crowell stood with a small mic in his hand. He hadn't been overly loud rather decent enough to be able to be heard all the way back here from the front of the cafeteria.

I turned my gaze down on my food as Lucas proceeded. "I won't take a lot of everyone's time, but I must get this done." He loudly sighed and begun, "I am Lucas Crowell. Grade twelveth. Age: seventeen. I am here today to make an apology. An apology that has been long overdue to one of my classmates."

"Oh boy," Megan said in a low tone. The whole cafeteria was dead silent, now. Julian and Cheryl were talking amongst themselves and looking at Lucas. I wondered what was going on there.

"In eight grade, I, Lucas Sebastian Crowell, made the most idiotic mistake. I called a girl--who I didn't know anything about--incompatible to be with anyone and...many rude, unforgivable things." His voice dropped with the guilt. "I didn't mean that. I'm dead serious, C. C. I didn't mean that."

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