Chapter 19 Are You Always This Stupid...?

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Unedited, sorry!! Oh and pretty please remember feedback! So close to 4k votes!! Like I am dead seriously. We're soooooo close. Pretty please help out :)


Chapter 19: Are you always this stupid...?

Annoyed by the girl's words, I marched towards Lucas and Julian.

Julian started to say something but I cut him off, "No."

"Sandy-" started Lucas.

"No!" I snapped. It was taking all my will power not to snap on Julian and Lucas too bad.

"You would make a great Juliet," grinned Julian.

I glared at him and shook my head. "I am not acting. Get that stuck in your head. Jenna agreed to be Juliet. Don't make life harder than it needs to be!"

They really weren't getting the gist. I was Cassandra Evans, talentless and hopeless. Making me take part in artistic activities was a lost cause. It was quite depressing, honestly.

"But Ms. Spruance said if we go out of our comfort zones, we'll get extra credit!" said Lucas.

"Doesn't necessarily mean I have to act. Why can't I just be...a..a..a director?" I had to give myself credit for that one.

Lots of murmurs, whispering, and other nonsense rang through the classoom. I rolled my eyes and took a seat on someone's desk. Hey, if I was going to be a director, I needed to start acting the role.

"I am fine with that," the girl from earlier said.

"So am I," Julian finally said. More agreement was heard. "Raise your hands if you are okay with that," instructed Julian. More than half of the kids raised their hands.

I grinned. But it soon dropped when I found Lucas staring at me. "What?" I asked, giving him a suspicious look.

He shook his head. "Nothing. It's just that I have..never seen you smile. You should smile more," he said seriously.

I narrowed my eyes at him and said nothing. I didn't know what to say. He really caught me by surprise sometimes. And I hated that feeling.

"Alright, Cassie, you're the director. You have to take care of basically everything," said Julian.

"I know." At least, this way I can get a better grade in the class.

"I'll be her assistant!" The girl who had told me about my nomination spoke up.

"Go for it," Jenna said. "Good luck, Megan," she said to the girl. Jenna gave me a death glare and went to play with her fingernails. I looked my own nails which were bitten down to barely anything visible.

"Pig," I muttered under my breath. The insult wasn't that extreme but still directed at Jenna.

"Excuse me?" Jenna's head snapped in my direction.

I ignored her. I didn't like getting into arguments with intellectual inferiors. "Megan, right?" I turned to the girl.

She nodded and gave me a smile. I had no idea why she even wanted to be my assistant. But working with smart people was never a problem for me. "Great. Alright, now, everyone else, we need to get some things settled."

"Did you just ignore me?" Jenna demanded. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Are you always this stupid or are you making a special effort today?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at her.

"Excuse you!"

"Thanks. Now, where was I?" I said as I turned to the rest of my classmates. "Write down your ideas on the board and we'll vote on the best one."

Hate vs. Love ✓ [Original Version]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें