Chapter 25 Oh my god, they're gonna kiss!

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KevinaOyatedor was the first one to guess it right for what was gonna happen! Yay! Thanks so much for all your awesome support. Her works are MUST READS! They are fantastic, I can tell you without doubt.

Enjoy :)

Chapter 25: Oh my god, they're gonna kiss!

"Julian is the new Romeo!" I yelled as I stood up from my auditorium seat.

The whole Romeo and Juliet balcony scene stopped, and everyone stared at me. Lucas looked at me in confusion.

"Why?" he demanded as he got off the stage. Julian seemed to have the same questioning-confused look on his face.

"Because you are not capable of this character," I replied calmly. Honestly, I had said it very nicely.

"What?!" Lucas said surprised. He really thought he was a great Romeo.

"You can't remember your dialogue, your expressions are mostly blank, you fumble over many words, and your attention span is worse than mine," I told Lucas Crowell.

The rest of the auditorium was dead silent. Megan stood next to me and nodded her head in agreement.

"I am sure if you give me another chance-" began Lucas.

"No," I interjected. "You will switch with Julian. End of discussion."

"I refuse," Lucas said stubbornly. "I don't want to be Paris."

"Did I ask for your opinion on that?" I demanded staring straight into his brown eyes. "Majority of the people in the auditorium will undoubtedly agree with my decision."

Lucas looked around at everyone else. Most of our classmates pretended not to pay attention. "Guys, if you want me to be Romeo, raise your hands," Lucas said loudly.

"Keep your grades in mind," I added.

Not a single person raised his or her hand. Lucas pursed his lips and stormed out of there--towards backstage. People stared between me and him.

I glared at them and snapped, "Get to work! Play's in three days!"


Julian was a fast learner for which I was grateful. We were not on talking basis, though, after I had told him to stay out of my life. He had tried talking to me but I only had one-word answers for him.

We went through the whole play twice before the actual thing. Lucas kept throwing tantrums that he should have been Romeo. Everyone just ignored him. We were all waiting for the official play day.

Unfortunately for us, Ms. Spruance thought it was a good idea to bring administrators, other teachers, and even students (ones with a free period) to watch our play. We were going to be excused for the second period due to the play. My poor Forensics class.

"We are gonna die," Megan said worried.

I looked at her. "That didn't make any sense, so I'm just gonna pretend you said nothing. Now, could you make sure everyone has his or her costume? I am gonna check out all the scenery. We need to put it up for the first scene. Five minutes."

Megan nodded and we parted ways. I walked around observing everyone. The designers were already getting all the scenery in. As I directed one of the designers to move something, someone sneezed behind me.

I turned around saying, "Gross!" The person who had sneezed seemed to be Romeo. His red puffy eyes, running nose, and a tissue in hand nearly gave me a heart attack. "Please don't tell me you have a cold."

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