Chapter 20 ...stupidity Can Be Contagious

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Dedicated to kloe_bookworm for awesome support for my stories. Go follow her and check out her works!! They are awesome!

Chapter 20: ...stupidity can be contagious.

Modern Day Romeo and Juliet- Day 1

"Lucas Crowell, for the seventeenth time, you are supposed to be depressed! Not giggling like a little school girl!" I shouted from the corner of the stage.

My whole Literature class was in the auditorium. We had twisted around Romeo's beginning scene. He still sat with Benvolio, his cousin. They were going over how Rosaline cheated on Romeo and he broke up with her.

Lucas sat on the edge of the stage with another boy from our class. Their feet dangled off stage as if they sitting on a dock or something. Lucas kept on laughing for some reason whenever it was his turn to make a frown.

"Don't blame me! My cousin is hilarious," Lucas said, pointing to the guy next to him.

"Dude, we should have hired Leonardo DiCaprio!" Someone joked from the audience.

"Leo is so much better looking," said Megan, my asisstant. She stood by side and quietly observed what was going on.

I gave her a small grin. "Our budget can only afford Lucas," I told her and then turned to Romeo. "Crowell, I am not repeating myself. Act depressed or leave the role," I warned.


"Shut up and restart!" I shouted. I moved off stage, near the auditorium seats to get a better view. Megan followed behind me, quickly.

"Bossy, much?" Lucas asked as he got up along with Benvolio.

Benvolio didn't say anything but got back to his position. Lucas went to the side of the stage and leaned against the wall. He started talking about how Rosaline had done injustice towards his own feelings.

I just had one thing to say about Lucas's acting: it was terrible.

"Lucas! Pretend someone actually broke up with you! Feel the rejection!" I shouted exasperated.

"Actually, I'm the one who rejects people not vice versa," he pointed out.

I rolled my eyes. It was true that Lucas rejected girls. He only dated the people he had known for a little bit. I still wondered whether that was a good thing or not. I mean Lucas Crowell had some standards.

"Rosaline just rejected you...well she found someone else who was worth her time. And that someone wasn't you," I told him. He had turned to face me, now. We were about ten feet away from each other.

"Rosaline can go to hell for all I care," he retorted.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Stop being an annoying teenager. Do your part or I will give it to someone else. Not kidding," I told him.

He let out a frustrated sigh and regained his composure. Then, Lucas Crowell went back to his dialogue.

"Not to be mean or anything, he can't act," Megan said, nodding her head in Lucas's direction.

"I couldn't agree more," I sighed, "Majority rules."

"We could always make Julian be Romeo. He got a decent amount of votes. I mean people can see how Lucas is not that great of an actor," she shrugged. I could see how hard it was for her to be nice about Lucas.

I just shook my head and turned to what was  going on stage.

Lucas and Benvolio sat back down on the edge of the stage. Benvolio was scratching his head and giving Lucas advice.

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