Chapter 55 I Love You

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Chapter 55: I Love You

"'Julian—'" Lucas began the letter.

"Lucas Crowell, don't you dare," I interrupted in a panic as I advanced to take the letter from him.

Lucas shook his head with a bitter laugh, holding the paper behind him. "No, Evans. It's my turn to speak." I was in a desperate situation as Lucas backed away from me and held the wrinkled paper out in front of him. I found Julian standing all the way towards the side of the stage behind the curtains-hidden from the audience but watching everything going on stage. His eyes were moving between the letter and I, trying to figure out my mad behavior towards that one cursed piece of paper.

"So Ms. Cassandra Evans writes, 'Julian, I've read somewhere that the most important words are the hardest to say,'" read Lucas, his hands shaking, "'That's my situation right now. I don't know how you made that confession to me because I sure as hell can't do the same. Since-'"

"Lucas, please," I begged. Screw the damn ego. He couldn't read this letter. No. No. And definitely no. All pairs of eyes-including those backstage-in the school auditorium were on us. I only watched that one pair of sky blue eyes that stared right back at me. Oh Julian.

"'Since the day you made that awful,'" continued Lucas, ignoring my protests, "'stupid, and mind you, unnecessary deal with me about love, we've spent more than enough time together. I admit I was irritated by your excessive interest in my personal life at first, but now I'm glad now that you did what you did. For once, someone actually cared about me after Brandon and . . . Gramma.'"

I couldn't meet Julian's eyes. No way. The audience already had some crying faces-one of them being my own grandmother.

"'You know the secrets that I haven't told anyone. Julian, you really have no idea what I'm feeling right now as I think about you leaving: Disappointed. Never have I ever been nice or considerate to you. I never deserved someone like you. I still don't—'"

"Lu—" I tried in vain.

"'I still don't,'" Lucas proceeded with a grave look. "'I wish I could tell you how much I started caring about you. I wish I could tell you how much I hate you for letting me—'" he let out a humorless chuckle, "'letting me go with Lucas. I wish I could tell you that I like you. I like you very much.'" People actually awed. "'I like you to the degree that it scares me to even think about not having you near me anymore. I wish I could tell you how my heart races when you are close by. My life really changed since we met.'" More awes. There was absolutely nothing to awe about. "I wish I could tell you all this. But I can't, Julian. For your sake and for my own selfish reasons, I can't. All because you are leaving. Now, I understand why you called me your greatest regret and tried to stay away. It hurts. Hurts a lot on the inside to just think about parting ways.'"

"It hurts a lot more right now," I whispered. Julian knew everything now. I couldn't even bring myself to look at him as he stood directly in my line of vision.

Lucas gave me a brief look before returning his eyes on the paper. "'I've realized my own stupidity for not spending enough time with you for the last two weeks. After our meet at the park, I've been going a little crazy. Now, as I sit in this dressing room, after hearing that you kissed Jenna multiple times—I so don't feel guilty anymore, by the way, for my revenge plan—even if it just stage kissing, I've realized that I am the world's biggest idiot for not understanding my feelings for you.'" There were some laughs from the people around us.

"'Ever since I've admitted me liking you, it's been . . . weird. I'm afraid to lose you. Telling you all this will mess up everything-completely-and raise complications. Therefore, this letter, these words, and those feelings will remain with me. Yours truly, Cassie. P.s. I like Cassie much more than Sandy.'"

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