12; KIBA

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Seungmin was super cute, he was practically wrapped around my arm as we entered the dorm. I had a smile on my face which I couldn't wipe off. As soon as we entered the dorm, loud shouts overtook the silence. Seungmin and I looked at the commotion.

Most of the members were running towards us, their shouts getting louder. I felt Changbin jumping on my shoulders, and Chan pulling Seungmin by the shoulders.

"THEY WENT ON A DATE!" Changbin shouted, and the others made more commotion. I laughed as Seungmin tried to shut down all the accusations.

"THEY WENT FOR FOOD WITHOUT US!" Hyunjin stated, and the boys didn't quieten down. Felix patted my head with a big smile.

"BUY ME FOOD NEXT TIME!" Minho shouted and the boys nodded. I laughed and nodded but I doubt I would pay for all 8 boys if it were to happen. It turns out being alone and training to be an idol doesn't make you a lot of money however becoming a soloist kind of saved my life. 

"Where did Kiba take you?" Chan asked Seungmin, all the boys started to calm down and dragged us to the sitting room to sit down and talk.

"A nice restaurant." Seungmin shrugged, maybe he was just nervous.

"OOOO" Han cheered, "What did you guys talk about?"

I cut in quickly, although I doubt Seungmin would talk about my problems without my permission.

"Nothing. Just how cute Seungmin is." I said and the boys cheered again, and got loud for about 5 minutes. 

I managed to escape fortunately, and when I entered my room, I started to take off my clothes and get ready for bed. I was actually really tired, so I quickly washed up and brushed my teeth. I didn't forget, I went back to the sitting room to see some of the members gone. I looked around for Han, but he wasn't here.

"Which room is Han in?" I asked Felix and Chan who were watching something together on Chan's phone.

"Um, the one on the right after the kitchen." Chan said and I nodded. I turned, walked through the kitchen and then came to the first right door. I knocked and entered after I heard Hyunjin - I guess they were roommates in the dorm.

"Hello." Han said in English. I nodded and took in the situation. Both Hyunjin and Han were comfortable under the covers of their shared bed but I needed to talk to Han. They shifted about with nervous chuckles as I just stood at the foot of the bed looking at them. I flinged back the covers and Han laughed. I walked over to his side, put my arms under his knees and under his back.

"DONT TAKE HAN!" Hyunjin shouted while laughing, and Han tried to reach out to Hyunjin. I laughed and carried Han to my room. I sat him gently on my bed.

He laughed and lay down, "Ooo, new roommate!"

I let him get comfortable in my bed before climbing in on the other side so both of us were under covers and I could tell Han was sleepy.

"Can we talk?" I asked so Han would stay awake. I was just worried about him, the way he was acting in the studio was not the Han I have been used to in the last few weeks. Why let his feelings fester when I noticed the change so quickly?

"Sure, what's up?" Han yawned out, and he let his head rest on my arm.

"Are you okay?" I asked. It was a simple question, and I was curious on how he was going to answer it. Would he tell me the truth?

"How could you tell?" Han asked quietly, but he continued to stare at the opposite wall. 

After knowing Han for more than a month, I had come to realise that Han was actually quite the introvert and prefers sitting around and watching things like me. Han and I were similar in a lot of ways, but Han, no matter what, loves making people laugh. He always finds reasons to be loud and energetic around the people he's comfortable with and that's why people love him so much so when he's down sometime it can be a bit obvious.

"When we were writing today in the studio, I noticed you couldn't write anything down. You were pretty quiet today." I said quietly, "Are you okay?"

"I don't know. Recently, I've just been feeling insecure and like I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know what I'm writing anymore." Han expressed, and I nodded quietly, "I think I'm falling behind constantly."

"What do you want to write about?" I asked, trying to understand his feelings and also trying to get his creative juices flowing again.

"I don't know. I think Gods Menu was fun when we made it, then afterwards, something just stopped in my head and I don't feel passionate about writing anymore." Han said with a shrug, but I could feel the sad emotion coming out of him.

"Your not alone. I think you should write about how you feel. Channel your emotions into words and express them anyway you want to." I said, and I looked at Han with a small smile as he looked up at me.

"I would but I don't think songs like that would be approved by JYP." Han said with a sad smile.

"Fuck JYP. It's your music, your songs. You write them and compose them so fuck whatever he thinks. It's your album - you control what goes in it." I said quickly. I wasn't going to allow what happened to me with my old company happen to Stray Kids - they had so much more creative freedom than I did which is what got me in trouble.

"I guess." Han shrugged again.

"There's so many people in the world, and millions of them listen to you, and loads of them can relate to what you feel Han. I'm happy you can talk to me, and Stays will be so supportive of you regardless of how you decide to deal with your feelings." I said quietly while stroking Han's head softly.

"Will you help me write it?" Han asked and I paused for a second, "Please, I would like for you to be there." 

"Then of course I will." I said and I slowly moved down the bed to get comfortable. I assumed he was just going to sleep in here tonight so I turned off the light with a remote and then put my hand on the back of Han's head and brought him into my chest.

"Thank you Kiba. Goodnight." Han whispered as we got comfortable in each others arms.

"Goodnight Hannie."

KIBA ; STRAY KIDSWhere stories live. Discover now