18 ; KIBA

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I was holding Seungmin's pinkie with my own. He was cute. I looked to my left where he was sitting watching this action-comedy movie in the cinema. He had some popcorn and a drink which I happily paid for. The lights changed colours on his face every few seconds, and his eyes were wide in wonder like a true puppy.

At a boring bit, I watched as he ate some popcorn, dropping some on his jumper by accident. I tried not to laugh as I picked up some dropped popcorn off his jumper and then put them in his mouth - his eyes didn't move from the screen which was super cute.

I sat back and watched the movie as some action was happening between the main character and the villain. It was coming to an end and I realised I had no idea what had happened during half of the movie, I was to busy admiring the smaller man beside me.

Eventually, the movie credits were rolling and the lights came on. I stretched in the chair I had been sitting in for over 2 hours.

"That was really good." Seungmin said with a yawn and I looked at him as other people began to leave. 

"Yeah...what happened?" I asked as we slowly stood up to leave the cinema room. 

"What? Did you fall asleep?" Seungmin asked as he pushed me lightly out the room and into the main building where the toilets were.

"No..." I muttered and Seungmin dragged me by my pinkie finger into the bathrooms. I didn't need the toilet so I just waited for Seungmin by the sinks. He came back out and washed his hands quickly.

"You were watching me." Seungmin said with a cheeky smile.

How did he know? Was he side-eyeing me secretly? Was I being that obvious? I didn't feel like he could see me because it was dark and he was so entranced by the movie the whole time I was looking at him. I felt my ears turn red under my long hair, and a nervous smile appeared no matter how much I tried not to smile.

"Why were you watching me?" Seungmin asks me as he dries his hands, and he walks back over and pokes my cheek gently. It was probably red and warm because he honestly made me nervous.

"I thought you looked cute while watching the movie." I said even though I was flustered by his attention.



He chuckled, grabbed my pinkie with his and lead me out of the building. We walked quietly down some streets, swinging our joined hands. I looked at Seungmin who was aimlessly looking around at the different buildings around us. He suddenly turned to me and I chuckled as I got caught looking again.

"Should we go eat before bed?" Seungmin asked, and I checked the time quickly. It had just turned 10pm and I nodded, "Come on then."

Seungmin hyung had led me to the same restaurant I had previously took him too. I smiled at the little hillside restaurant - it seemed to be our place to go together. He took us inside and we waited to get seated as tonight was quite busy. We sat close to our last table in the back corner, and this time there was a lit candle in the middle of the table. We ordered food and waited for it to be served.

"This is our place now you know. You cant bring anyone else here." I said as I looked at Seungmin who was in a grey jumper and blue jeans, and I was in a black jumper with black tech wear pants - we did not fit in with the crowd of this restaurant.

He chuckled, "Okay, I promise. Same goes for you." 

"I promise." I nodded with agreement.

"You know, it's nearly my birthday." Seungmin said with a smile, I could tell he wanted to know what I would get him for his birthday but I wasn't spilling any secrets. 

"Yeah, it's also Han's and Felixs'." I said, "I think I might take Han to wherever he wants to go, and I think Felix will enjoy a picnic." 

I looked at Seungmin who was straight faced now, no trace of his cheeky smile. He was looking down at the table and picking at the wood gently as I continued to joke about the massive picnic I would set up for Felix. The food came and I stopped talking. I did grab his hand, which was soft, and held it gently while we ate in a comfortable silence.

"I was joking...kind of. What do you want for your birthday?" I asked as we finished our meals.

"Not sure. Surprise me if you really like me." Seungmin said, and I was stunned to silence.

Like him? Seriously, am I that obvious?

"Like you? You smell." I joked as we sat back, our hands still intertwined on the table. Maybe because I held his hand...I would see why I'm obvious now.

"Sure...that's why you look at me all the time, and why you hold my hand." Seungmin laughed, the candle light flashing off his braces.

"Okay first off, you held my hand in the streets and I only look at you because your ugly." I said with a smile and he rolled his eyes and let go of my hand, pretending to sulk. I laughed at his pouty lips and chubby cheeks, "You like me."

"Mmm, don't think so."

"Whatever." I said, and I waited. He sat forward, and snatched my hand and placed in on top of his before holding my hand tightly. I raised my eyebrows, and he rolled his eyes again. He took out his phone as a waiter came over and took our plates and cups back.

"Oh shit." He said as he squeezed my hand, "Someone took a photo of you this morning."


"Look." He handed me his phone and there was a photo of me from this morning when I walked out the JYPE building without a shirt on.

"Oh." I laughed at the fact Seungmin was ogling me in the photo.

"What?" Seungmin asked as he took back his phone.

"You totally like me."

He huffed, "Whatever."

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