A hexed Buldger and a vexed Beater

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The Griffindor team had already known that slytherin team had a new player :Draco Malfoy. But to their surprise there was also a new beater. And a girl at that. Slytherin was not known for its female participation.

Harry Potter though didn't have much time to wonder about that. Because the buldger kept chasing him. Bludgers never concentrated on one player like this; it was their job to try and unseat as many people as possible.

The Weasley twins were trying their best to get it away from him but no matter what it was on his tail.
The slytherin were leading with sixty points.

Wood called a time out and the twins explained their predicament. They were worried for safety but Harry who had been in much more dangerous situations and lived, was more worried about winning the match. He insisted that the twins leave him to his devices.

On Madam Hooch’s whistle, Harry
kicked hard into the air and heard the telltale whoosh of the Bludger behind
him. He was doing a good job avoiding the buldger until he spotted the snitch beside Draco's ear.

The buldger almost hit him but to his astonishment it was whacked away from him, not by the twins but by a slytherin beater. The scrawny slytherin girl sighed as the buldger did a U turn and came back she swung her bat again, this time with much more force.

Harry did not know what to think.
"Thanks" he told her
"You're we-"
"What do you think you are doing, Black? "Before the girl could reply, Malfoy was at her, snarling. Harry felt a little sorry for the girl. She was not going to have it easy after helping him.

"And what do you think you are doing? " The girl snarled back, not at all intimidated by Malfoy.
"What do you mean? "

"I mean it's your job to get the snitch. It was hanging around your head and you didn't even see it. What kind of seeker are you? I came to point it out to you"

Malfoy didn't have an answer for that. Harry turned to start looking for the snitch again but the buldger got him this time. Harry thought the girl almost looked worried but the next second she was zooming away to defend Adrian Pucey.


The match was over when Harry caught the snitch despite having a broken arms. Harley was only slightly worried for a moment, the boy has gone through worse stuff and so have she. But she was on the verge of a panic attack when she saw Gildory Lockhart approach him.

But she couldn't watch what happened next as a very angry Draco Malfoy landed right in front of her.

"What were you thinking? "He seeths
"Be more specific please. I think a lot, unlike you " Harley said nonchalantly.

"If you hadn't beaten away that buldger he would never have had a chance "
"I was defending myself. If I didn't, it would've simply hit me not Potter "

"You shouldn't have got in the way otherwise nothing would have gone wrong "
"I came to show you the snitch, you think I should have screamed out halfway across the ground?! "

"I had a plan -"
"Maybe you should work on improving yourself instead of pulling dirty tricks and blaming others "

"I absolutely did not use any backhand moves. Besides you should do your job being the beater ,the snitch is not your business "
"What the hell, Malfoy! You didn't even see the snitch. You don't get to lecture me "

"Oh yes I do ,remember how you got in? "
"You let me tryout I got in with my skills "

"Skills" Draco scoffed "You -"
He was abruptly cut off by a fuming Marcus Flint. "MALFOY!! "

Everyone in the slytherin team flinched. Even Harley who looked calm and collected a moment ago.

"Do you realize the extent of the damage you did? THE -SNITCH -WAS -FUCKING -HANGING -BY YOUR- GODDAMN -HEAD- AND- YOU- DID- NOT -SEE -IT ?! A BEATER had to come and TELL you? Perhaps next time you need someone to cast a FUCKING CHARM and KEEP IT IN PLACE for you to get it? Or perhaps the ROYAL PRINCESS need a floral procession to make ONE GODDAMNED MOVE?

Harley snickered behind her sleeve at the last part. Malfoy was looking so scared that he didn't even react at the princess part. But her amusement didn't last as Flint turned to her.


Flint threw his broom down with enough force that Harley was tempted to check it for damage. He walked away muttering "Imbeciles "


Draco stood dejectedly besides Harley as the rest of the team left the lockers after Flint. The girl was simply staring ahead. That look itself made Draco fume. It was her fault all of this happened.

Draco was thankful that only the slytherin team was there to see him get insulted like that. It meant that he could still hold his head high. But Harley being there could be a problem.

"I won't tell anyone. "
"Huh? "
"I'm not a gossip. "

Harley sat down. He didn't. He thought that she'd be crying with all that Flint said or at least be upset because he surely was .

"You are not upset at all ? "
Harley raised an eyebrow at him.
"I'm as much a slytherin as you. Of course I wanted us to win. "

"But you are not upset? "
"You think I should be weeping on the floor if I'm upset? Are you doing that? Of course I'm upset "

They didn't talk again. Harley was taking off her boots and socks. Her gloves were already off. Draco didn't see any reason to hang around much longer.

"You are not that bad, Malfoy. Just concentrate on the game instead of Potter "

Draco turned to look at her. She was pulling on a fresh pair of socks. He couldn't see her face but it didn't look like she was insulting him.

"I'd like to say the same to you "
Harley grinned much to his surprise.
"Maybe that's what both of us should do. More Quidditch, less Potter"

"Maybe" Draco reluctantly smiled but she did not see it as she had turned around.

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