The calm before

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Harley packed bags humming. Pansy and Millicent helped her. They had helped each other infact. They had already packed Pansy's trunk. It like her own, was magicked to be bigger than it looked.

The difference was that Harley's held her every single possession. While Pansy's only held what she brought for school. Yet it held more clothes than Harley's. Harley did not if it was because she was short on clothes or if Pansy just had too much.

Some may wonder why Harley doesn't have many clothes. She did have access to Sirius's Gringotts account . But she only ever used it to buy necessary items for school. Everything else she bought with her own money. Money she got from part-time jobs. She didn't feel right about using Sirius's money, when he was in Azkaban.

But now that's he's back, that might change a bit. Oh how much she had to control herself to stop from buying everything! The one time she lost control was with Edgar. When she saw him, she had to buy him. And with Roan's necklace. But she was working on paying him back. Her gift should be from her afterall. So that money was borrowed.

Last year she had made Roan an owl figurine, because she loved Edgar so much. With magic of course. Harley was no artisan. Even with magic it was so hard .

This year she brought her a T-shirt with a cat on front. She had put a spell on it so that the cat would move around and play and sleep, much like a portrait. Roan would have a hard time wearing it in public but Harley was sure she'll love it. The two of them shared that - their love for animals big and small.

How upset Roan will be to hear of the hippogriff. Harley hoped that it could be saved, but with the opposition of Luscious Malfoy, it would be tough. At least it was Buckbeak and not Coalblack. Harley was overly fond of Coalblack after riding it.

Harley had also tried to knit a scarf for her but it had got way too lumpy.
For Harry she got a box of chocolates. She had forgot to send him anything last year but she didn't feel much for it. He never send her anything. And she had stopped writing letters either. It was boring and to be honest she wasn't that eager to bond with her brother. At least now he knows of her existence.

For Sirius Harley planned to get something on her holidays. Maybe she could get Edgar to deliver it. Or not. It felt like the poor bird was overworked these days, maybe it wasn't but still... Maybe she could get something for him too.

And for Gideon. It would be her first, giving him something. So it have to be good. She had no idea though. He had gifted her a set of four books on magical plants, beast, location and artefacts. It was surprisingly fun for an informational book.
But she hadn't gotten him anything and it was pretty embarrassing. Harley had prided herself as a giver of gifts afterall.

Millicent passed Harley the last of the books she was taking back the book of everything and anything. Harley wanted to show it to Roan before anyone else saw it.
As she closed her trunk, Harley thought of the first Christmas in Hogwarts. When she fought with Pansy. She was pretty annoying then. Even most part of last year she was annoying. But she has become pretty much tolerable this year. Perhaps Harley should get her a gift too. For not being annoying.


"Gideon... "Harley called in a sing song voice. It strangely evoked an immediate feeling of unrest in him.
"What? " He suspiciously asked

"What do you like? "
"You want to get me something for Christmas huh? "

Harley rubbed the back of her neck.
"Yeah.... Sorry "
She looked down twisting her fingers. Gideon was not upset though, he was happy that Harley considered it. Maybe it was just insecurities but Gideon couldn't help but wonder if she really thought of him as a friend.

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