Three sisters

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"Are you Harley? "
"Yeah? "
Harley was pulled into a hug by a girl or more like a lady, with dark hair, in a pencil skirt and shirt. 

"Oh my God you look so cute!!! " She squealed as Harley felt as if she'd suffocate.
Harley wondered if she was having some kind of weird nightmare. Who the hell was this elegant (but sort of creepy) lady with perfect make up and hairdo? And why exactly was she being hugged out of nowhere?

"Evangeline, you are suffocating her. "
Came the voice of an irritated looking Gideon. She had never been this happy to see him.

"Harley meet, Evangeline, my eldest and weirdest sister - oww! " Evangeline had his ear pinched between her long nails painted red.

"Does that mean you have another one? "
"Unfortunately yes. There are two more. " He said rubbing his ear. Harley sympathized with Gideon.

"I've heard so much about you. Gideon can never stop talking about you, you know. Always on and on about how awesome Harley was when she did this, how she did that "
"Angie!!! "

Gideon was blushing a bright red. Though Harley was in no position to comment as she was a bit red herself.
Evangeline looked between the two of them and grinned again.

"Look the two of you!!! So cute!! "
Harley suddenly wondered if this was such a good idea . It seemed that Gideon wondered that too.

"Evangeline volunteered to apparate us. So.... " Gideon started saying, almost as if he were apologizing.

"So get ready, little Harley. And hold on to your stomach " Said Evangeline, taking his words as an invitation.

Harley felt as if the lady was trying to pierce her shoulder as Evangeline held her shoulder prior to apparation. Harley squeezed her eyes shut as the familiar feeling of queasiness that accompanied apparation over came her.


Gideon's home, which was much grander than the Black manor, even though it was about the same size, had a Gothic appearance. Just like his mother.

Gideon's mother Ophelia , who was from the Lestrange family , had greying dark hair, severe looking grey eyes and an air of someone who was confident , who couldn't care any lesser about others opinion. Instead of robes, she wore a gown of midnight blue with a tight corset . Perfect Gothic vibes.

Which was why Harley was so surprised to see his father Zachariah Moon, who was this cheerful looking guy. He had warm, chocolate brown eyes and brown hair- much like Gideon. But he, Gideon's father, was a lot more handsome.

Gideon smiled awkwardly as his father hugged Harley as he welcomed her to his home. Is it this family's tradition to crush the bones of their visitors?
Harley glanced towards Gideon's mother, who was a step behind her husband and was looking at her with an awkward half smile. No. Not the whole family.

Yet she seemed nice enough. They didn't ask any questions about Sirius, which she was grateful for. Instead they asked her about school, thanked her for helping out Gideon (who was too stupid to pass according to Evangeline though Harley begged to differ). Then they -mostly Evangeline - started telling stories about Gideon's childhood.

With his parents and his home, Gideon's family seemed a bit like the Adams family. Now only if there was a Wednesday...Harley liked her the best in the show.

When steps sounded from upstairs as she was led around for a tour of the house by Gideon and Evangeline , Harley almost expected to see a gloomy/ murderous goth girl. But no.

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