Barty young, Barty old, Barty bad, Barty good

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Harry, Hermione and Ron were already at three broomsticks with Sirius. The only one missing was Harley.
Then the door opened and Harley came in along with Pansy Parkinson, Draco Malfoy and another boy who always followed Harley around like a lost puppy.

Harley took a seat at their table while her 'friends' found an unoccupied one.

She sat next to Sirius, facing Hermione (who was scowling) and smiled a little awkwardly .

"You are close with the Malfoy kid? " Sirius asked after a while of uncomfortable silence.
"Great to see you too , Sirius " Harley said sounding very much exasperated.

Sirius sighed. He then flicked his wand which didn't do anything in particular. He caught Harry's quizzical look and grinned.
"It's spell I came up with. Now any eavesdroppers would only hear random words that have nothing to do with what we're going to talk about . Best of all they'd simply think that they just can't hear properly "

"Cool "Ron said and Sirius shrugged.
"I know I am"
Harley rolled her eyes.

"Now, Harley you know why I asked you to come today? "
"Not really "
"Harry , you didn't tell her? "
"And then have her run to Snape? No thanks "Ron was the one who replied.

"Harry saw Karkoff showing professor Snape something on his arm. And thinks its suspicious the way the two of them talk." Hermione said interrupting Ron.

"That's the big news? Maybe -" Harley's sarcastic speech was cut short before it even began.
"That's not it Harley. You had asked me about Barty Crouch Jr, yes? " Sirius asked looking very serious for once. Harley nodded,  the seriousness of the matter not being lost on her.

"Well, Harry saw Bartemius Crouch going around in Snape's office "
Harley's eyes widened and for a moment she reminded Harry of Dobby . Then she turned to face Harry, looking furious.
"And you didn't care to tell me? At all? "

"How was he supposed to know that he was to tell you everything? " Hermione asked, crossing her arms before her.

"Well he should know to tell me such things in future. Because Barty Crouch put Harry's name in the goblet of fire "
"What!! No way -"Ron started.

"Barty Crouch Jr." Harley interrupted Ron before he could proceed. "Not your brother's boss. He's the senior. But his son is supposed to be dead. I've been trying to figure this out for months but no such luck. That of course could have changed if someone thought I was trustworthy "

"Well I still don't think you are trustworthy "Ron said and then added "Not with the company you keep" on seeing the sharp look both Harry and Sirius gave him simultaneously.

"I'm not complaining about the kind of company my brother is keeping, now am I? " Harley asked quietly, taking a sip of the butter beer that madam Rosmerta just placed on the table.

It took a moment for Harry to process the implication and Ron was red, scarlet really, to the tip of his ears by then.

Harry knew at that moment that if he didn't interfere the situation would escalate and he would be forced to pick a side between his sister and his best friend.
Normal siblings would most likely ditch the other and support the friend, but Harry didn't have that kind of luxury. His relationship with his sister was fragile despite them being twins.
And he'd hate for Ron to stop talking to him again.

"I don't know if it's senior or junior but Barty crouch was definitely in Snape's office " Harry blurted out, not knowing what else to say but it worked, as Ron and Harley turned to him, and the latter raised an eyebrow .
" But he must have disappeared fast because Snape didn't see him. Infact Snape thought I was in his office " Harry finished

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