Apologies unaccepted

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Pansy was tired of shipping Draco and Harley. It was ship doomed to sink, she realised now. Draco seemed to like Harley now, whether or not thanks to Pansy's effort she didn't know.

But he was now mopping around and pretending that he was not. Pansy had a feeling that something happened between him and Harley on his birthday. But she didn't know what exactly.

Draco had apologized to Harley, so he must have done something wrong but what? Draco wasn't someone who apologised that easily. It had to be some grave mistake. It must've pained him so, to put away his bighead and humbly follow Harley with apologies.

But Harley did not reply to him. She didn't even touch the chocolates he offered which was probably a first. Which reinforced the thought that Draco had done something seriously wrong in Pansy's mind. But Harley refused to say anything to her.

And Blaise. Pansy kept trying to convince Harley that he was bad business. But so far he hasn't done anything sus.
The boy didn't even try to kiss her, Harley had said, much less go for anything more.

Blaise it seemed, was happy to be around Harley and occasionally hold hands with her. The boy blushed so hard when Harley did so much as peck him on the cheek.
No one would believe that he'd have ulterior motives. Not even Pansy believed that really.

Maybe Pansy should just console Draco and ship him with someone else? Or does she stand a chance herself ?


Harley had no time, or patience to deal with Pansy . The incident with Crouch— the senior of course, they still had no idea about the junior— had left Harry shaken and Harley was racking her mind. She felt like time was running out. Fast.

She knew she was missing something. That she was so very close to finding it out but somehow the answer evaded her like a tricky eel. But she couldn't give up because she was convinced that Harry's life was in danger. And she swore that she wouldn't let him die, not as long as her heart still beated.

Harry had written her a note informing her of it —it was evident from his writing that his hands were shaking as he wrote that —and then a letter when she asked for more details.

The letter looked more or less like a rag now with the number of times she read it, stuffed it to her bag, and read it again.

Harry told her that Crouch had almost appeared out of thin air, staggering out of the woods, when he and Victor Krum was talking, after they were told about the third task.

Crouch was almost insane, Harry had said, talking to people who weren't there, saying Bertha Jokins disappearance was his fault and most worrying of all that Voldemort is getting stronger.
And then he disappeared when Harry left to fetch Dumbledore. They only found a stunned Krum when they arrived.

Harry had told her that both Sirius and Hagrid were suspicious of Krum. Somehow she didn't think that Krum was part of whatever conspiracy that was going on at Hogwarts currently. Hermione too, agreed with her .

Harley had asked Harry for the Marauders Map, as having it would give her some peace of mind and she could keep an eye on things. Especially on Harry. She could also watch for Crouch at nights since the last time Harry had seen him at night. Why not? It's not like she had a regular sleep schedule or anything

But no. Harry had apparently given the map to Moody. On a more pleasant note, Harry had promised her that he'd retrieve it before the third task so that she could keep an eye on things. Just in case Crouch Jr. decided to pop up in the maze.

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