The Dark Mark (part 2)

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Harley's hopes that her absence went unnoticed was distinguished the moment the tents came to view. Mr Moon was looking for her. When he saw her, he sighed and wordlessly gestured for her to go inside the tent.

Behind her she could hear him talk with Mr Weasley
" ....we were so worried..... No I didn't assist them.... Ophelia was worried that  .... The children.... "

Harry was walking behind her though she didn't know why. He stopped following when they reached the tent.
"I'll wait here, talk to me after you deal with them? " He asked. Harley nodded.

The moment she stepped in she was surprised to feel herself get wrapped in a hug. She thought it'd be Evangeline but it was surprised even more when she realized it was actually Mrs Moon.

Mrs Moon shocked her further by cupping her face and kissing her on the forehead.
"What were you thinking? Were did you run off to? Do you know how worried I was? How we all worried? "

Harley didn't have an answer for that. And she didn't want to lie. So she just went with being apologetic.
"I'm really sorry, Mrs Moon"
"I wasn't asking for an apology. And you wronged not us but yourself. Imagine the danger you would have been if they caught you"

"Mom, that's not a good suggestion. The girl is better off not imagining anything " Evangeline who was standing by the couch interrupted. "Oh, and Harley? I believe you can undo a sleeping charm? "

Harley nodded. Evangeline continued
"Well then go to Gideon .He was worrying so much that I had to hex him to sleep. "

"You hexed Gideon to sleep? "Mrs Moon exclaimed .Evangeline just shrugged.

"Umm Mrs Moon? Can I go out for a moment? A friend had accompanied me .I'll come back after sending him off "
"You didn't ask when you left before" Evangeline said. Mrs Moon glared at her before letting Harley leave.

Harley had a feeling that it was because a mother-daughter war was coming up and Gods forbid if anyone were to see such private things .


Harry didn't really expect Harley to be back so quick . She came out of the tent, smiling with amusement . As she stepped close to him, Harry realised that Harley was now taller than him. At such proximity, he had to look up at her. How embarrassing!
'Girls were supposed to be shorter than boys.'

"Well girls grow faster than boys. You'll still be growing when I'm done. So don't worry"

Harry was puzzled for a moment before he realised that he had said that last sentence out loud.

"So... Your letter to ministry? "Harry asked ,all ready to change topics. Honestly the first thing he wanted to ask her was what the hell she was talking to Malfoy. Or why she followed them. But to the last question, he was quite sure that he had an answer. She hadn't been lying to the ministry wizards.

But Harry wished he'd asked something else when Harley's smile dropped.
"Right... Well after I got your letter, I wrote reply to you and a letter to Sirius. And send them together. I guess my owl went to Sirius first... And had got intercepted. "
"What? "

"Don't worry, even if they read my letters they won't find anything suspicious. I mean I did expect it to taken. "
"You told me not to write to Sirius... "

"That's different Harry "
"How are we different? He's godfather to both of us! Not just you!!"

"Harry, the ministry don't know that" Hermione tried to placate him.
"Yeah mate, everyone think she's his daughter, remember? " Ron added.

"But... "
"Look, I know you think this isn't fair, but I wasn't chitchatting with him. I need to know things okay? So that I could work on proper defense for him. Because mere memories of a delusional girl won't do anything."

"Then I'll volunteer "
"It's not very convenient ,Harry. They might say he tricked you too"

"But didn't we convince the minister of magic? " Hermione asked. Harry agreed they had convinced Fudge, it shouldn't be much harder to face this trial.

Harley gave Hermione a disappointed look.
"I thought you knew better than that. The minister of magic doesn't control the trials and according to Mr. Moon, who works at ministry, most wizards are of the opinion that Sirius is guilty. His so called daughter's words amount to nothing "

"But you are not his daughter! You could just prove that you are Harry's sister and everything will be more credible! " Ron said in an exasperated tone.
"Do you think that would be in Sirius's favor? He'd lose any credibility he might've had if we are to announce such things "

"Wait what about Snape? He had fought for Sirius, right? "Hermione piped up.

Harley sighed loudly.
"That's the main problem. He thinks that his words might not be enough. And apparently he thinks truth serum is risky. He has some secrets that - in his words - would make anything he say worthless ."

"Okay but what can Sirius do anything about that? "
"He can give me ideas. He is pretty much one of the smartest people, I know . Don't look so sceptical ,he could tell us things without them finding out, if  he's allowed to write that is"

Harry wanted to argue further. Question why she could write to him while he couldn't. But looking at Harley's face he couldn't. She acted strong but he could see the desperation in her eyes. She looked so broken when she said those last words.

It was pointless to argue with her. Especially when every word he said seemed to make Harley more upset. He reminded himself that he had known Sirius for only hours while Harley... She knew him her whole life. Obviously she'll care more than Harry.

Harry thought of how Fred took Ginny's hand, as he pulled her to safety. Of how Ron defended her, came to protect her in the chamber of secrets. That was how brothers were supposed to act. Instead of protecting Harley, he seemed to only hurt her...

"Well sorry "Harry said rubbing the back of his neck "got a bit carried away "
Harley looked at him in surprise. So did Hermione and Ron. Then Hermione smiled at him. That superior  know-it-all smile, that symbolized that she knew something he didn't. He avoided her eyes as he talked to Harley.

"Well what do you plan on doing? "
"I'm not sure I have a plan. I wish I could just capture that slimy git-Pettigrew. But since that's not currently possible, I'm looking up things. Researching. The trial is in September I was hoping to talk to professor Mcgonagal . I think she'd have some insight "

"Why not your precious Snape? Why the head of our house ?"Ron asked .
"It's not about that, Ron"  Harley's words came as a sigh.

"Why don't you ask Dumbledore though? I think his words would have a lot more weight than... well anyone else "Said Hermione.
"I've literally talked to him once. How do I ask such a favor? "Harley looked down at her hands.

"Well I have talked to him. I could ask" Harry said. Finally there's something he could help with.

"That's settled then "Hermione clasped her hands together as Harley smiled at him. This time with gratitude.

Though he had done nothing to receive her gratitude, he felt a kind of happiness all the same at the way she looked at him. As if she thought he was cool.

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