The 'Real' Heir

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In his heart Ron was glad for Harley's assistance (technically Harley had been doing everything not assisting him), He could have never opened the door as it could only be opened by a parselmouth.

It wasn't that Ron completely trusted Harley. He was pretty sure that she was leading him to a trap. But he was willing to take that chance. For his sister.

It wasn't like he thought that he'd be safe when he decided to come in here. He knew he was taking a risk and Harley was simply a part of the variables.

The two of them came in just in time to hear a weird hissing sound made by an angry looking boy, a giant green serpent move towards Harry, a crimson colored bird attacking the serpent and Ginny lying near the foot of the statue of Salazar slytherin.

Ron, as loyal as he was to his friend, rushed to gather his sister into his arms.

Harley on the other hand paused a moment to consider her options. She had shut her eyes and had no idea how to defeat a basilisk. She knew phoenixes were natural enemies of basilisks, so they had an upper hand but what could she do to help?


Harley opened her eyes at that. As she thought, the Phoenix had blinded the snake. Without wasting another moment, Harley helped her twin to his feet.
"Not the heir, here to help, no time"
Harley said all that in one breath.

Then she pointed her wand at the serpent. Harley thought "Incendio" It did nothing. Hell to nonverbals.
She shouted the word. And flames gushed from the tip of her wand, enveloping the basilisk which made a horrible sound.

Yet when the flames cleared the snake was unaffected. The weird boy, who Harley guessed was the original heir, laughed. "The basilisk is invincible, you stupid girl "

Alright then. Harley turned around and sent a jet of flames into his face instead . Which did not affect him.She felt her vision go red with rage.

"I, lord Voldemort, is also invincible "
Oh, joy.
"Haven't you heard, you freaking died once. No, sorry twice. "

"But I'm still alive "
Harley glanced over at Harry who had put on the sorting hat and now held a silver sword with rubies at its hilt.

"wouldn't call this living. "
Harley did not know what she was doing. Except she was hoping for something to happen. She had no idea whatsoever to what was happening. She didn't know what made this guy who called himself Voldemort, tick. Maybe dear old Voldy possessed a student?

The snake moved to attack and Harley used a stunning spell. And another, and yet another. Meanwhile Harry was trying to use his sword. Harley could not spot the Weasley siblings anywhere. The bird was also nowhere.

As the blinded snake lunged towards Harry, she used the shielding charm to protect him. Harry gave her a grateful look .In any other situation Harley would have been happy but right now they were corned.

Harley was throwing spell after spell on the snake and it's master but it wasn't much good. And then the snake whipped it's tail, hitting Harley and throwing her a couple of feet away. Her wand flew away in the opposite direction.

Just as the snake was about to end her, Harry Potter -bless his stupid but brave heart - leapt in front of her and stabbed the snake right through it's mouth. The snake made a shriek like sound and almost collapsed on top of Harry .

Except Harley intervened. She pulled her brother to her side protectively as an attempt to keep both of them alive. But Harley had miscalculated. One of its fangs sank into her shoulder and she had to summon all her courage not to cry.

Harley Potter and her world famous twinWhere stories live. Discover now