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Harley had successfully found a pair of Sirius's clothes. It was an effort worth appraisal as her trunk had been enchanted to be bigger -much much bigger - than it looked. The inside of it was almost as twice as big as a normal room. And it contained all her belongings. But she usually kept it shrunken to palm size and kept it in her school trunk.

There were many stacks of books -all the books she had found interesting in the Black manor and couple of other ones. There were also magical items and rare potions that she kept, just in case. There was even a sleeping bag and pillow.
And obviously clothes, lots and lots of it. Her's from childhood to present age and Sirius's . The trouble was finding it in all the mess.

Rummaging through everything she spotted the book of everything and anything she had almost forgotten of its existence. She had found it last year in the library when it had aroused her curiosity by not being a Library book and by being blank.

Which it continued to be even now. Frustratingly blank. She wanted to throw it into some corner and be done with it but refrained. Maybe Sirius would be able to help.


Harley had personally visited Sirius only once after the first time ,during Christmas. She had got him an entire feast, a sleeping bag ,a couple of sweaters and lots of blankets and scarves. Even so she was way too worried. Until he told her that he used the shrieking shack. That would be better than nothing.

Harley waited by the forbidden forest, her arms carrying a change of clothes  and a bag strapped over her shoulder filled with as much food as she could carry. She could only sent so much with Edgar, no matter how huge he is. The bird is quite overworked of late.

When Sirius finally showed up, she took off her illusion and followed him. Once safely inside the forest, he switched forms, instantly grabbing the bag she extended. Then he sits cross legged on the ground and starts devouring. She sits near him.

Harley watched him stuff his mouth with pork chops for while. Whatever she brought, was never truly enough for him. She had feeling that he was feeding some creature too. She didn't question it but always tried to give more.

"So, how's your week going? "
"Fine-fine. How's yours? "

"Been worse. So did you make any progress? "
"Yep" Harley handed him a sheet of paper, Lifting her chin in pride. "The whole week's password "

"Atta girl Harley! "
"That's not all .I've brought you clothes "

Sirius paused eating for a moment to give her a one armed hug. She could see that he was very touched. But Sirius being Sirius, hated sympathy and sentimental stuff.

He acted like this tough guy, always calm and cool. Though she knew he was a softie. She was afterall the one who had seen him in tears. Not that he knew she was awake.

"You young lady, is a treasure !"
"And you good sir, stinks! "

Sirius laughs, throwing his head back. Harley simply smiles. Harley loved his laughter. She could never understand how he can be so light even after all that happened. But she did understand that he did it for her. With him she felt safe and happy. No matter what was happening.

"Say, Sirius you know anything of a book without anything in it? "
"I imagine you don't mean a blank notebook? "

"No I mean this "
Harley pulled out the book of everything and anything. Sirius ran a hand over it's cover before flipping through it.

"I don't know Harley... Where did you find it? "
"In the library. But it's no library book. I have it since last year. Nothing I tried worked"

"Give me your wand. Now I'm curious as well "
Sirius tries a number of spells both simple and complicated but none works. He looks thoughtful for a moment before he reopens a cut on his arm and smears the blood on the first page.

The blood vanished like ink would.
But then the paper shimmered .It had worked. Something had happened. Harley looked at Sirius in question. She had never thought of using blood. He simply shrugged.

"Blood is often a key in many objects, often those that are dark"
"You think this is dark? "

"Well the book is offering you all the knowledge in the world. It could be pretty evil can't it? "
"But knowledge is not evil. Besides how do you know it has all the knowledge in the world? "

"The title ,Harley. Seriously, you weren't dropped on your head as a baby so why... "
"Okay okay. Got it. It's obvious. "

"well what are you planning to do with it? "
"I don't know.. I was just too concentrated on finding out its function ... On that note it's pretty embarrassing how quick you did that "

"Ah well I am fabulous. But I also have plenty of years on you. Not to mention that my childhood home was teeming with dark art related objects "

"That reminds me, do you think Harry would like a firebolt ? "
"How am supposed to know that? But it's a goddamned firebolt no reason to not like it, is there? "

Harley was a little bitter. Sirius had gone and got him a gift. But what of her? She was the one who cared for him. From her childhood to now. (Yes she was the child, but she was always good at handling herself and more.) Yet he forgot to get anything for her.

Sirius was grinning ear to ear as he watched Her.
"Jealous now, are we? "
Harley did not answer because in a way, she was.

Sirius abruptly got up and fetched her a package. A long one. Like a broom. Harley knew what it was without even opening it. She took it, her eyes wide.
This was very like Sirius to get her riled up only to make her realize she was being stupid.

"You need a better broom than what the slytherins gave, eh? "
"How do you know that - never mind. You seem to know an uncanny lot about everything "

"As you said, Harley, knowledge is not evil "
"That's got no relevance here"

"Well then if there's nothing else, you should head back. You look like a raccoon these days. Are you sleeping at all? "
"I'm fine Sirius ,losing a bit of sleep won't kill me . "

Still Harley left. He was right she wasn't getting enough sleep. She had been getting nightmares about Roan. But that didn't stop her from feeling better than she had for a long time. Besides she'd see Roan soon enough.

Maybe this summer, she could introduce Sirius and Roan to each other. If all went well, as in Sirius proved innocent, maybe she could introduce him to Gideon too.

She imagined that and smiled under the illusion.

Harley Potter and her world famous twinWhere stories live. Discover now