The Quidditch World Cup

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Harry spotted Harley talking with a girl, as Harry, Ron and Hermione were making their way back to their tent after collecting water. It was actually pretty hard not to spot her as he had metallic gold highlights in her hair. Hermione too spotted her, she waved to Harley.

Harley came over to them with a grin on her face.
"Hi Hermione, Harry. And Ron" Harley scowled at the last part. Ron scowled back. Harry never understood why Ron hated Harley. And he was just realising that it wasn't just Ron. The hatred was mutual.

"Hello Harley. How are your holidays?" Hermione asked.
"It's fine. I've been concentrating on homework so didn't have enough time for fun"

"Oh, that's.. "
"It's fine. I'm done with all my work, so I can enjoy the rest of the holidays without worry "

"That's nice. I've almost finished mine too. These two boys though, they always put it off to the last date and then they want to copy. "

"Why didn't you write back to me, Harley? "Harry asked not wanting to hear more about homeworks. Harry had wrote her a letter after knowing that Harley was pretty much homeless. He had told Ron about the situation and the Weasleys were ready to get Harley. But when he wrote to her, she didn't reply.

"But I did reply. As soon as your letter came. I am staying at Gideon's so I didn't want to bother you.  "
"But I didn't get your letter.. "

"That's strange. Perhaps Edgar went to the ministry first... "Harley muttered to herself

"The ministry? "
"I'll tell you. But not here. "
The girl who was talking to Harley was looking their way, pretending to be uninterested.

"This is Clyde , sister of Gideon" Harley said. "And this is is Harry Potter "
"I noticed " Said Clyde in a very low voice.

"Are you going to start at Hogwarts this year?" Hermione asked the young looking girl, who looked offended at the question.
"I'm a sixth year"
"At Ilvermony "Harley added at their confused looks. "well then we'll be off now"

Harley brushed past Harry ,whispering a few words in his ear in the process
"Tonight. I'll find you "


A bit later that day, Harley found herself sitting besides none other than Draco Malfoy, in the Top box, who was with Mr and Mrs Malfoy. With her, there was Gideon, his sisters and Mr and Mrs Moon.

The others in the topbox were the Weasleys ,Harry, Hermione, The Bulgarian minister of magic, the British minister of magic and Ludo Bagman .

Mr Weasley greets Mr Moon like an old friend. And then they proceed to talk about the muggle at the campsite and his reactions. Harley knew Mr Moon was in the ministry but she never knew that he felt with muggles.

Mrs Moon meanwhile was talking to Mrs Malfoy. Harley couldn't hear them. They were very quiet and they were a couple of seats away.

Clyde sitting on her left was watching Harry with a fascinated expression. When she noticed Harley's attention she blushed and pulled her eyes away from him. Great. Another one has fallen to the non existent charms of her brother.

Harley leaned back to look at Gideon who was sitting behind her ,in between Floyd and Evangeline. The two girls were arguing over his head. Harley had seen this multiple times. Floyd supported Bulgaria while Evangeline rooted for Ireland. Each insisted that her team will win.

Now both of them were clad in atrocious amount of fan merchandise for their respective teams. The usually elegant Evangeline, now looked quite silly. And Floyd, who had Green hair had now scarlet , to support her team and it didn't suit her nearly half as well.

Gideon caught her eyes and gave her a pained looking half smile .It was very similar to the expression his mother wore when the girls were fighting. Harley had came to connect it to suppressed anger. But Gideon here was not angry merely helpless.

A throat cleared beside her. Harley turned to Malfoy who was sitting next to her. His eyes were trained on the field though there wasn't anything there.

"Which team are you supporting? "He asked
"Which are you supporting? "

He scowled
"I asked first"
"I support the winning team. Now answer me"

"It's not a very proper habit to do that. I think I've told you this before. You support your team whether they win or loose"
"Well our team lost early on, no? So by your logic none of us should be here. We should be supporting our team, right"

Harley watched in amusement as Draco struggled to find words. Ludo Bagman came to his rescue by announcing the arrival of the mascots.

When the Veela arrived, Harley was unaffected though they did rise her curiosity. She couldn't say the same for most of the people in the box. Draco Malfoy looked ready to anything for the creatures and was about to get off his seat to do god-knows-what. But Mr Malfoy kept a firm hold on his clothes and muttered something in his ear until he slouched back in his seat.

Harry on the other hand was about to jump out. Harley couldn't do anything about it because next to her Clyde too was about to take a leap . Well now what a wonderful way to come out the closet. Harley gave the younger girl a firm slap on the wrist, knocking her out of her trance.

Clyde looked horror stricken and was gaping at the Veela until they made way for the Ireland's mascots - Leprechauns.

People around her erupted in loud cheers. Oh-kay, so she was in an Ireland supporting area. Poor Floyd was perhaps the only Bulgaria supporter present except of course , the Bulgarian minister.

When the leprechauns in shamrock formation passed overhead, Draco snickered besides. At her questioning look he gestured towards their front, where Harry and Ron where sitting. Ronald Weasley was picking up the leprechaun gold, probably unaware that it'd soon disappear. Harley didn't find it very funny. She elbowed Draco in the ribs to shut him up.

Then the teams came to the field. Harley picked up her omniculars .She ignored everything else and concentrated on the game. This was nothing like the silly matches at Hogwarts. The competition was fierce and Harley tried to watch every move , but it was next to impossible.

When Krum finally caught the snitch, Harley jumped up with a whoop. The move he pulled was spectacular but unfortunately his team lost. Harley glanced back at Floyd. Who looked quite exited for someone who's team just lost.

"I support Bulgaria, just for Krum " mouthed, Floyd to Harley as the latter looked questioningly. Harley nodded in understanding but to be truthful, Harley didn't understand that logic at all.

As the crowd cheered for the teams, Harley pushed the play back button on her omnicular and rewatched the move Krum used, taking mental notes. Then she went over the moves of the beaters on both sides. She might've quit Quidditch in her dissapointment but her love for the game remained untouched.

She played and replayed them until someone ,Gideon, grabbed her arm and pulled her away.

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