4/19/18- loca

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I enjoy a few things
Let me tell you what--

I enjoy the way my eyes dilate from excitment,
Or intense arousal.
I enjoy how you breathe,
Or struggle to, when you touch me.
I enjoy the fact that I-
I CANT for the life of me,
figure out why I gravitate to you.
I enjoy how you are both up and down, mellow and tight-- a balance within.
One I get to see,
enjoy the touch of...ooo baby that's a new vibe you got me on and I want more.
More time in the day, more seconds through the night while we slow kiss-- if only I could open my mind to show you what happens when you do that thing to me....trailing lines of poetry along my hips.

And...I enjoy that you listen, let me stare, show that you care without effort that doesnt belong to you.
A youer you proving truer truths-- making me laugh at how I would lose balance and falter by myself without cause.

I enjoy how I can be who I am naturally...the way it should be,
A way I honestly havent had much practice in and finally am learning to be.
I enjoy knowing this.

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