6/5/18- 2 months

11 0 0

You made it...barely,
Carefully settling with silence,
Being okay with lack of connectivity,
A lack of energy to show for,
And honestly im tired...no tied...
My ankle hurts somethin heavy,
Because I carry this weight,
Of a King who is too comfy in his own kingdom.
Am I to be your slave?
Your pretty sitting princess?

Just let you sit,
Let you meander,
Content with plain life as it is cause it isnt,
And we arent even here.
Nothing exists in this space,
Nowhere escapes this place,
Just some type of dreamscape,
And you dont want to change that.

But you do.
You do just are entirely too prideful,
Too trapped in your ways,
Too broken inside,
Too unliberated to hide that you do.
You crave it like you crave a blunt, COD, and those damn 40s...
..but you cant crave to free your time for someone who lets you keep your free time to yourself and frees her time for you to be with you...
but she's the fool it becomes more clear.

Unsure what to believe.
Are you even true to what you have me perceive?
You fight for me? Defend my honor? Protect me? But you let me walk alone at night, on the street side, but check me if my skirt is tied alil too high.
Nigga please.

Cut this shit, and show me how you really see me cause im fed up with this for play play mess.
You really love me? SHOW ME
You care about me? SHOW ME
You wish I was there? SHOW ME...oh wait no. That was just me.
Maybe me not being there is whats making you happy.

Content to be back to bachelor status,
Moreso cause there's no one to see.
No one to tell.
Clues wiped away from the mystery, well baby, my sweet doting nightwalker...
...keep tryna fool me with this mystery...
...you're gonna lose me.

Happy 2 month-aversary Papi😶

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