1/14/19- day 1 to 4 of 60 days apart

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Begin: Monday 1/14/19, 7pm
"This is only temporary." -😶

Day 1- Tuesday 1/15/19
Woke up to tears. The day was depressed and forced.
(Poetry written in Patience)

Day 2- Wednesday 1/16/19
Day one continued...didnt sleep. Kept telling myself this would be good for us but...dont know if I believed it. Seeing you was so uplifting...feeling you was new. Wish you werent so inebriated that you couldnt stand straight. Cant even say the board was making you bc you always have it. Im sorry the adventure stank...but the wings were good.

Day 3- Thursday 1/17/19
Woke up crying again. Eyes stayed swollen and classes drained my spirit. I dont know what "We shouldnt do that" means...did we factory reset? If so, how can we call ourselves a couple? Partners? It doesnt feel like we're friends...

Day 4- Friday 1/18/19
My dream was weird af. (written in dreams to interpret) Saw 7:55 on the clock in it- angels tell me that means love is coming my way...im hoping so. You forgot about me...again but I let it go so I could be productive. Closed social media off but didnt hear from you at all that day. Wished I couldve...I really miss you. Im praying each day gets shorter. Reminding myself that this is temporary and we will come out better for it. I will be better, stronger, happier for it. I will be more able. I will be more understanding. I will pray for your healing. I will pray for you to become more understanding, for your heart to soften, and your life to be easier.

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