Chapter 3

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Ty's POV
Mykonos Greece
October 20,2019

"I give up, I give up! I'll do whatever you want!!" I scream looking at the small black camera perched in a corner on the far right side of the room. "Ty, what are you doing? The guys will save us. They are probably searching the world high and low right now for us." I wish Ni Ni overly optimistic ass would shut up. "Whatever..." "Whatever? That's all you have to say Ty?" she replies disgustedly. "Yup. The fuck you want me to say? I've been held captive for four months now all because of Lei. ALL because of whatever!" "What the fuck is wrong with you? I get you've been here for months, but you have to have faith in Lei. You two exchanged vows promising each other to be there for one another until death. Bo, Kevin, and him spent hundreds of hours and a lot of money trying to find you...And all the fuck you got to say is 'WHATEVER'?!" Ni Ni finishes her rant angrily in a manner that reminds me of a rabid dog. "Love? Lei doesn't love me! If he did know what? Nevermind." I cut of my thoughts before I get all emotional again.

Six days ago, I woke up to see Day and Ni Ni handcuffed to the foot of my bed. I refused to take up The Boss' offer to take down Lei and protect my family, although he did me wrong, my heart wouldn't allow me to hurt my husband. The mafia boss decided that I needed more persuasion and had some of his guards kidnap my two best friends. The first day passed and I remained firm that I would not take down Lei. The second day, The Boss told us that no one would eat until I accepted his offer. On the fourth day, he decided to threaten me with the wellbeing of Day and Ni Ni. I felt my heart stop beating and was ready to give in, but the girls said we must stick together and both of them were willing to thug it out until the guys showed up for us. "Thug it out" meaning that Day and Ni Ni would accept any punishments thrown their way. Later on, he sent one of his bodyguards to grab Day. I screamed, hollered, and cried for the guard to bring her back, but Ni Ni refused to let me say the magic words to accept his offer. A few hours later, a guard dropped Day back into my room. I had taken one look at Day's appearance and knew what they had done to her. Her pupils were extremely dilated and glassy, body swaying left to right without any balance...I've seen this so many times before. She was high, now off what? I don't know. Ni Ni and I tried calling her name and shaking Day out of the drug induced trance she was in, but nothing seemed to work. The spacey look in her eyes will forever haunt me for the rest of my life.

The next day, Niko came into my room and gave me an ultimatum either the girls or Lei. I flat out refused. I still was holding on to the hope that Lei and the guys would save us. Shortly after, two guards came inside of my room and dragged Day out. She returned hours later with the same glassy look and red bruises on her wrists. Those bruises were probably from her being held down while drugs were injected into her. Now, here we are again. Niko just left the room thirty minutes ago after I turned down the offer yet again. "I will be back." he promises me. I know that this means Niko will be back to come get Day again. I look over to see Day laying down with her face pressed against the cool floor. There are dark circles beginning to form under her eyes and her skin has lost a bit of color. She doesn't look like her normal, vibrant, kickass self, but rather a dull, washed up person who's had the life sucked out of them. Could I really let Niko or the guards take Day again? Could I really live with myself knowing that the mafia boss is turning my best friend out into a drug addict? Deep down inside I'm torn. Day has always been there for me and doesn't deserve to suffer because of my selfishness. The girls said we need to stick together because this is about us all, they always make a way of making my problems their problems too, so I don't have to go through it alone. However, Lei is the man that stole my heart away and opened me up in more ways than one. Lei showed me that he loves me and is willing to do anything for me, but, at the same time, he's hurt me so many times. First, by almost raping me. Second, by placing cameras in Kirks bedroom to spy on our sex life. Now, the photograph that was given to me by the mafia boss. As if in response to reflecting on these memories, I feel a sharp pain in my chest near my heart. How can I be in love, and loyal, to someone that has broken my heart so many times? I thought love was supposed to be filled with happiness and laughter, yet all I've experienced with Lei has stemmed from pain or deceit. "Please Ty. Don't do this. We have to remain strong for the guys." Before I fix my mouth to respond to Ni Ni, I hear heavy footsteps approaching the room. "Agape Mou, it is about time you would come around." My mouth drops in surprise as I recognize the handsome, young face in front of me.

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