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Ty's POV

A year and a half later (Summer 2021)

Condado Beach

San Juan, Puerto Rico

       " Excuse me miss. I was wondering if you're single?" the man ask me. I prop myself up on my elbows and take in his appearance from head to toe. He is on the shorter side. Nice. Thick hair. Nice. Skinny. No bueno. " Sorry. I am married." I flash my red and gold wedding ring at him. He pouts, then walks away at me. Ty, you know damn well he would kill that guy if he caught you staring at him. My subconscious nags me. You right about that I reply back to myself as I roll my eyes. I lay back down on the beach towel and cover my face with a book. 

      I don't know how much time pass, before I am awaken again. Guess by who? Another guy. "Hello, did you fall from heaven? Because you're an angel." The middle age balding guy say to me. I cringe at him calling me angel. Only one person can call me that- Lei. I don't even respond to his cheesy ass pick up line. I pick up my left hand, roll my ring finger so the diamond can catch light from the sun and it blind his ass. " No need to be rude, you could've just said no thanks." he replies to my gesture angrily and stomps away. I swear masculinity is such a fragile thing. Ugh!

    I'm flattered with all of the attention. Especially because of my current state. I am rocking a tapered haircut with a mess of platinum blonde curls at the top. But, the sides of my hair are overgrown because I haven't been to my hairdresser in a month. I am wearing a ugly ass, frumpy ass  black one piece swimsuit. I wear it to hide my stretch marks and pooch. In the past year I gained about thirty pounds. Living in Puerto Rico, has made me lazy.... and the food here is amazing. Especially the mofongo. I lick my lips at the memory of the last time I ate the spicy native Puerto Rican dish. 

     My phone rings. I pick up the phone almost immediately. " Hello," I say into the phone. "Hey, we will be there in about 15 minutes." the voice replies.  "Got it, see y'all in a few." Then, I hang up the phone. My eyes are greeted with a picture of Lei's back as my screen saver. On Lei's spinal cord, he has the skyline of Baltimore tattooed vertically. He got this tattoo a couple weeks after the last showdown with the Greeks. I knew that this tattoo was symbolic to me being his backbone. Me being the person that keeps him together and holding him up right. A drop of liquid appears on my phone. I reach up and touch my cheek. I didn't even realize that I was crying. Come on Ty, you know better than that by now. You're right. I should know better. Every time I think about him, its like time stops and my heart lurch forward. I wish we could go back to how things were before all of this. But, we can't. It was that day, I did what was best for us all. I came with a plan to save us all. I escape physical death, but emotionally that day I died. I left them all behind. I gave them a chance to live life. I decided to put myself first. It was that day, I swore that I would never love another man like the way I love Lei. Yes, I faked my own death and I would do it all over again if it meant letting them to be alive. Yes, I faked my own death and I would do it all over again if it meant letting Lei live a life without having to look over his shoulder. Yes, I faked my own death and I would do it all over again if it meant putting myself first for once. As I look down at my red and gold wedding band, I shed another tear because I realize that maybe its best feeling alone and UNWANTED. 

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