Chapter 30

837 55 3

Lei's POV

January 3, 2020

Kevin's apartment

Huangpu Qu, Shanghai, China 

      " So, this meeting will end with one of us dead or a lot of people dead," Kevin concludes. " Yes," I whisper. Kevin rubs the back of his neck. I just told the guys about the meeting I would be having with Ambrosia tomorrow deep within the "Little Greece" territory in Northern Shanghai. " So, death is the only answer,"  Bo mumbles while looking down at his hands intensely. I wish I could say I am wondering what's going through Bo's head. But, I know what he's thinking about. WE are two sides to the same coin. WE are the sun and moon. WE are yin and yang. As certain as I am that blood couldn't make us any closer, I know that Bo doesn't want the meeting to go down. "So...," Kevin starts his sentence while pouring us drink, " what's the plan of action?". Kevin's question leaves me stumped. Honestly, I do not have answer for his question yet. A couple minutes of silence goes pass before I speak again. " Well, my plan is to go to this meeting and to overthrow the Greeks and keep my empire, or to compromise and call a truce." Kevin nods his head, while Bo pinches his nose. " So I was thinking that we bring reinforcements, maybe... I don't know 50 people?" My open end question is met with silence. Okay, maybe they are waiting to hear the rest of my plan. " Yeah, so have reinforcements waiting outside of the Greek's warehouse. Just in case something to happen. But, I will go in there and make demands, if that doesn't work then I will propose a truce to the Greeks." I lamely finish up. " So, what would this truce entails?" Kevin's stare pierces me. " I am thinking allowing the Greeks to stay in Shanghai, give them 10% of the empire earnings for five years and I will take the hit off of their family, in exchange they agree to leave us alone," I smirk at my random stroke of brillance for coming up with  truce terms and conditions off the top of my head. "Okay, so my question to you is..." Kevin starts, but Bo cuts him off. " What happens if the Greeks doesn't agree to your truce? What next? Huh." "Then, I will offer them a higher percentage of the empire earnings." I state reflexively. Bo let's out a sarcastic laugh. " More money? That's your answer?", he says with a crazed look in his eyes. " Yes, everyone wants more money.  And I am sure that the Greeks wouldn't turn down the opportunity to have more of it. After all... all of this started over the fact that they wanted our empire." " So, it's that easy, huh?" Bo replies. "Why wouldn't it be?" I ask him in a "are you stupid?" tone. I don't understand why is Bo questioning me now about everything. 

       " Now, isn't the time to be questioning anything. We have to get shit in order. We need to get stuff in order to protect our families and the girls." Again, Kevin nods his agreement. Bo laughs manically. " What's so funny?" I ask in an irritated tone. " You. " Bo replies. His answer sets me on edge. My stomach starts to churn. " I just think its funny that you're talking about protecting the girls from the Greeks, but thinking that you can pay them off for losing a loved one. Don't you think that is a bit hypocritical? You believe our lives... our family lives and most importantly the girls lives are priceless. Yet, the lives of others should come with a price tag. It's disgusting." he states. " What's the point of saying that? We have less than a day before this meeting. I am trying to come up with a plan here." I raise my voice at Bo. Kevin sensing the tension building up walk around the island in the kitchen and steps in between Bo and I. " Exactly, we have less than a day to come up with a plan... a plan that leaves us in tact as much as possible. And here you are selling us bullshit ass dreams. WAKE UP Lei, its time to be fucking realistic. You murdered one of the Greek's leader sons." Bo yells. " Again, what is your point to saying all of this?" Bo, is really starting to piss me the fuck off. " You still don't get it Lei," Bo turns around and flip over a small circular glass coffee table. It shatters into a hundred of pieces. " Let's calm down a bit. We need to keep a clear head on this whole situation. Our primary focus is the girls," Kevin place his hand on Bo's shoulder. " No, fuck calming down. Call a spade a spade. I may not agree with Ty... hell I still don't understand why she keeps on running away knowing how that affects you. I use to think Ty was just a nuisance. But, the more I think about it Ty just might be the most clear headed, mature person in this whole messed up situation. She is the one that is trying her hardest to resolve this issue from a realistic standpoint." Bo's comment stings a bit. Have I not proven my loyalty to Bo over and over again? Have I not made decisions that was the best for all of us? How dare he suggest that I am not the one putting the most into this situation?

    " This shit is getting draining Bo. Speak your mind, so we can move forth." I calmly state. This whole situation is draining. " Ty is right you lack foresight and hindsight. Look at the bigger picture here. Your actions have lead us here up to this point. Your actions, your lying, your ego, your pride... has lead us to this inevitable situation. News FUCKING flash, no amount of money or promises to leave the Greeks alone will stop the Ambrosias. Period. YOU know it. I know it. Kevin knows it. So, take a step back and stop lying. Be real with us. What is the plan?" Bo hollers at me. " Money can solve...." I begin. " STOP IT, STOP IT right now. MONEY is not the answer." Bo bends over a grab palmful of glass shards. He closes fist tightly and screams. Dark red liquid, seeps through his knuckles and drips onto the floor. He shoves his bloody fist in my face. " This, this .... THIS is the answer Lei." he exclaims. My stomach flip flops at his outburst. " Blood and you know it. Don't tell us that its not the answer. Either they die, we die or someone close to us die. Then, and only then will all of this go away." I don't want it to result to that. Bo puts his bloody hand on the countertop for support. "Ouch, fuck that hurts." he hisses out. I bet he forgot about the glass shards in his hand. " I'll grab the first aid kit." Kevin responses and disappear to the bathroom. Bo and I take a seat on the grey bar stools by the kitchen island. To avoid make eye contact with Bo, I stare intense at the black marbled countertop that is freckled with grey specks. I glance over to the grey double oven against the wall with black oven mitts hanging over top of it. Damn, I never notice this before but... " Kevin never struck me as having taste, hell he can decorate my apartment sometime." Bo say as if reading my mind. Kevin walks back into the room, "here you go," passing me the first aid kit. I pull out alcohol, tweezers and bandage. "Bo, tell me what's going on." I use the tweezers to pull out the first of glass. Plunk, it falls into a nearby empty bowl. " Lei, I will go to this meeting with you, but if it comes down to a blood bath I will leave your side." Bo say sternly and looks me in the eyes. I am quiet for a few minutes. I can feel a flame flaring up inside of me. I need to focus right now. I finish taking the glass shards out of his hand, clean the wounds with alcohol and wrap it up. " Leave me? What the fuck happened to loyalty?" I whisper. " Loyalty? There are some things that are bigger than loyalty to you and each other." I pull up my shirt sleeve and show the tattoo on the inside of my left bicep. It is the picture of a moon, but in the inside of it it was a key. Bo looks away. I grab his right arm and turn it outward to remind him what he pledged himself to years ago. On his right bicep, there was a picture of a sun with a lock in it. " Loyalty. We pledged ourselves to brotherhood when we got this tattoo and now you're telling me it doesn't mean shit to you." I spit out. " I have something more meaningful in my life now, I want to live, I want to settle down and grow old with NiNi." he say with so much conviction. " So.... this woman is making you turn your back on our brotherhood?" I inquire disgustedly. " No, NiNi just made me realize that there is more to life than just this...." " So, you're choosing a woman over me?" I look at him in his eyes while asking this question. " I am choosing a future, my other half to my heart and my child that she is carrying over you." Bo stand ups, looking down at me as if daring me to challenge him. " Child??? NiNi is pregnant? " I say out loud, but to myself. " Yes, and I will do anything in this world to protect her and my child. No, I will not fight against the Greeks. I am asking you as my brother, please think of the bigger picture here and do what's right." Bo's eyes implore me to do what needs to be done. " You want me to sacrafice myself?" I comment weakly. " I want you to realize how many lives are at stake here if you don't make the right decision." Bo replies. So, that is a yes. He wants me to offer myself up. To allow myself to be kill by the Greeks. I am not going to lie, hearing that shit come from Bo stings like shit. I feel a sharp pain in my chest. I thought we would conquer the world together. " And what if I don't make the right decision?" I utter venomously. " Well, we will part ways. I am choosing a future versus living in the present fighting off the wrongs of the past. I will show up tomorrow to support you, but that's it." he states calmly. He has already made a decision and there's no turning back. How dare he do this to me? " Well, I guess that makes us enemies Bo." I say with a smirk on my face. " I guess it does, brother. Enemies we are. Take care of yourself. " Bo glances at Kevin and I one last time and walks out of the door. I look down at the ground to see the drops of blood are now dried up, lifeless. These dried drops will never be nothing more than a stain, and at best a memory of what was. A tear escape from my eyes and drops onto on of dried blood spots. Its crazy how water can give things life, but if you wait too long its magical properties are gone. My tears would never change those dried spots back into a vibrant, living nature as it was before. I guess water can not bring back what is already dead, including Bo's and I relationship.


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