Chapter 27

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Ty's POV

Later that night 

January 1, 2020

Golden Dragon Hotel

Shanghai, China

                   Here I am standing in the bathroom, staring at myself in the mirror scared of fuck. What the fuck Day and NiNi was thinking when they packed my overnight bag for our 'honeymoon night'. I am currently wearing black sheer thong with a bow in the back and a matching sheer bra. You could see EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING. These are not even consider clothes. Its like Day and NiNi are punishing me be sending me into the lion's den with NOTHING to cover my ass. Ugh, I can't go out there looking like this.... good thing I left the shower running so that should buy me some time. Maybe, I could slip into the room and grab one of Lei's shirt without him noticing me. I quietly open up the door and shut it. Damn, its cold af. My nipples pucker under the cool air of the hotel room. I slowly inch my way to the bed where Lei's dress shirt from earlier is laying. " Listen Lulu, " I freeze when I hear Lei's voice, " we are done.... I am not being inconsiderate. I waited months to tell you this because I knew you were going through some shit. But, enough is enough. You can keep your money, protection and status because I don't want ANY of it. You and I both know that I agreed to marry you as a business move...... no, you were a good wife, but you are not the one for me at all." Everything goes quiet. " Please," Lei's voice softens tremendously, " stop crying. I am sorry if I hurt you feelings. You're smart, funny, beautiful," I feel a sharp pain in my heart and my chest starts to tighten up," but, you are not the one for me. There's only one woman in this world that  can piss me off and make me smile with a blink of an eye.... and she have my heart." Whew.... I take a deep breath and exhale. My chest begins to loosen up. Damn, for a second there I thought I was going to have to fuck him up. " Listen, Lulu... I know this must be difficult for you after losing our child. Again, I am sorry and I am here if you ever need something. And I promise to put the word out to the Greeks that your family is no loner involved with mines. I don't want any unnecessary blood shed. Take care of yourself." Then, Lei hangs up the phone. I peek my head into the room and see that Lei is standing a few feet in front of the door with his back to me. Not even a full minute goes by before Lei's phone ring again. DAMN. Part of me is irritated because I am ready to spend time with my husband and the other part of me is relieved that he is distracted.... and will not see me is horrendous ass Player Club Lisa Raye get up. 

           " What did you find out?" Lei ask as soon as he answer the phone call. I tip toe quickly to the bed and grab the red button up shirt. Bingo.... Ty-1 and Day&NiNi-0. " So, you are certain that will be the Greeks plan?" he inquires. Now, my interest is peaking... I'm curious to know who is on that other side of the phone. " Well, I figure that he would take me out during our meeting...." he sighs. Meeting? What meeting?  Here we go again with the bullshit. "I could cancel the meeting...but I know that the Greeks will not take it lightly and will hunt me or my love ones down."  Cancel the meeting Lei, I holler to myself in my head. " I know, Ty would kill me if I went to meeting knowing that its a trap to kill me." I can't kill what's already dead. "But, we are certain that the Greeks will stop after one death....... I see its a part of their custom. So, after a death have been avenged then space is created to call a truce." So, if someone close to Lei dies, then the Greeks will stop. The question now is do we go down without a fight or sacrafice someone. My heart starts beating fast and my breath quickens at the thought of losing any of us. We have to find another way around this. " I think we both know what I must do..... Bo, there is no other way around it..... No, I don't want to do this I have to do this..... There isn't any other way.... we have to protect our family and girls at all cost...." Lei continues to argue back and forth with Bo for a few minutes. So, I guess Lei have decided to surrender himself to the Greeks. I can't let him do that. I have to find out as much info as possible about this meeting. Maybe, I could call up Mike... Theo... whoever the hell he is. I am so wrapped up in my thoughts I didn't notice Lei standing in front of me until I feel is warm hands stroking my arms. " You have to stop frowning, I heard that it creates lines and wrinkles." he smiles at me. "So, all you care about is my looks huh?" I joke around. " Yup." his lips pop with the p. I look deeply into his sepia eyes. I could get lost into them for ever. They remind me of a dark abyss... because it keeps going on and on just like Lei's eyes. He works so hard to keep up this tough guy act up. But, in reality in feels as much as the next person. I want to ask him so many questions.... but, I know right now isn't the time. " Kiss me." I say breathlessly. Lei gently pushes me onto the bed. My back is engulfed is in plush, beige covers. Lei hovers over me using his arms to support his weight. He place a gentle kiss on my forehead, then my nose, then my cheek. He takes his left hand and trace my face, over and over again like a blind person reading braille. " I want to remember this moment for the rest of my life." he confess to me. Slowly, he slides my panties off my hips and down my legs. I close my eyes at his touch. I want to remember this forever. Lei use his knees to open up my legs and snuggles his lower half in between them. " Open up your eyes baby. I want to see your eyes while our bodies join together." he say throatily. I open up my eyes just to see his beautiful onyx orbs assessing me. His eyes are filled with some much love, pain and tenderness. Lei holds on to my hips as he lines his manhood up with my core. " I can't think of another way that I would want to leave this Earth." His voice is filled with conviction.... I feel my eyes beginning to water up because I knew what he meant. But, I refuse to let him leave me. Before I tell Lei this, he sinks slowly into me to the hilt. The feeling about being stretched leaves me breathless. I gasp as he begins to flex his hips. " Remember, I love you. Our love goes beyond this lifetime." Lei states. I am so overwhelmed with emotions because I knew, he knew and we both knew that the end is near.... and in this moment our bodies joining together was just a small fraction of the love we shared together with each other. As my body begins to peak, I can look deeply into his eyes because I knew that as short lived as our love story was it will be told for generations to come.

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