Chapter 4

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Ty's POV

Mykonos, Greece




What the fuck is going on here. I look up at his face to see him smirking at me...and it sets me off. Oh this shit must be real fucking amusing to him!  I couldn't hold in my anger any longer. I run up to Mike with my fists flying in every direction. I don't stop moving my arms until I hear the sound of my fist connecting with his nose. Mike stumbles a little, but regains his balance as quickly as he lost it. He wipes the blood from underneath his nose. "Oh, you're a feisty one. I just might break the rules and keep you for myself after all. I could use the company." His words confuse the hell out of me. Why is he acting like we haven't met before? I am so caught up in my thoughts I didn't even process that Mike has me wrapped up into a bear hug until it is too late. I attempt to escape but its impossible since my arms are locked behind my back, so I do what Ty would do in any position where she doesn't have the upper hand... "Fuck you." "Oh, sweetheart I wish it was that easy because this could be resolved right now." He squeezes me a little tighter and now my breasts are smashed against his chest and I can feel his erection pressed against my stomach. I shudder in disgust. Should I headbutt him or remain calm? I gaze over to see Day still laying on the ground and Ni Ni holding a lamp in her hand. I swear I love her ride or die ass. I know that she is willing to do anything to protect me. "Tell your friend to put the lamp down Ty. Don't play selfish hero and get your friends hurt because of your ego." Mike is right. Even if we could manage to take him down, we would still have to deal with his guards. It would be impossible to escape. "Ni Ni, please put down the lamp. I'm going to talk to him." She hesitates for a bit before placing the lamp back onto the grey nightstand next to my bed. Now, it's time to try to reason with him. " Mi...." "I would rather have this conversation just between the two of us." he cuts me off.

  And that's is how we end up in the living room, all alone. The thought of it just being us two makes me nervous, but time to put on a brave face. "Mike, what the fuck?! Was this all apart of your plan?! To become my friend and get back at Lei?" Mike throws me a confused look before responding. "I'm not Mike, so stop calling me that. I hate being called out of my name." I stare at this nigga straight into his dark brown eyes like he's crazy. Not Mike? Oh, so now we playing games huh? Well, I'm the wrong one to be playing games with because I will fuck somebody up. I pause my thoughts for a second to stare back into Mike's dark brown eyes. Hold up? "Do your eyes change colors?" "No." "Are you wearing contacts?" "No." I freeze up. Mike has hazel eyes that are light brown with flecks of green in them. I take a moment to really look at him. As I look more closely, I began to feel stupid. Mike has coffee brown hair, it almost looks black. My captor's hair color reminds me of cinnamon, like a medium brown. I glance up to his eyebrows to see the left one is split in half by a one inch scar. Next, I notice a mole above his lips near the right side of his mouth. Mike doesn't have a scar or mole. Again, what the fuck is going on here. I take a deep breath to calm myself down, I don't need him to smell any fear from me. 

   "Who are you?" I ask with genuine interest. A few moments ago, I believed that my kidnapper was a friend that was a mafia boss that hates my husband, but now I'm not sure.  He mulls over my question for a minute, deciding the best way he should. "Just think of me as one of the bosses and an enemy of Lei's." Before I could stop myself, I ask "Do you know a Mike?" "No. There is no Mike that works for me or related to Greek mafia family." I feel a huge burden being lifted off of my shoulders. Okay, at least my friend isn't behind all of this bullshit, but he does look like Mike, like, A LOT. "So, you have agreed to helping out with Lei. Correct?" Did I really want to help him out? "May I remind you that your friends are upstairs, Ty." The threat in his words rang loud and clear. If I didn't go along with his plan, my friends would pay the price. I nod my head. "Good, good. Go into the bathroom and change into this." I return a few minutes later in a burgundy satin dress with a corset top. I felt like a 1920s pin up girl turned pimped out mafia whore. As I walk into the living room, he lets out a wolf whistle before motioning me to sit in a chair at a table. He places a laptop in front of me and turns on the cam. Immediately, I see my face, shoulders and breasts, but that's pretty much it. "So here's plan. We are going to video chat your boyfriend. You will be blindfolded and you're not allowed to speak at all. You will agree to whatever I say. And if you don't, your friends will be punished. Okay, agape mou?" I nod my head. He places a blind fold over my eyes and walks out of the room. He returns a minute later. "I am tying up your hands and placing them under the table." His voice sounds huskier than it did a minute ago, but yet the exact same as every other time we spoke to each other. A few moments of silence pass by, then..."Ty, baby, is that you?" I hear the distress in Lei's. "Oh my God. Lei... please come find us." I become so overwhelmed after not hearing his voice for over four months, I feel a lump begin to form in my throat. "Ah, ah, ah. Remember what you agreed to or I will cut this conversation short." the mafia boss reminds me. I clamp my mouth shut. "Don't listen to him Ty. Talk to me baby." Lei begs, but I can't bring myself to speak. I don't want them to hurt Day and NiNi. "Hello Lei, as you can see, I have her trained well. Isn't that right?" I know the question is directed to me, but I don't want to answer that question. He grabs a fistful of my hair and pulls it back opening up the left side of my neck. He places a very loud and wet kiss on my neck, before proceeding to nibble on my ears. "Either you answer yes, or your friends will suffer." he whispers into my ear. He let's go my hair. "Isn't she so beautiful and her body is so soft, curvy, and responsive. I can't stop myself from taking her day after day after day. Isn't that right agape mou?" With his threat still fresh on my mind..." Yes." I say in a breathy tone. There is silence. "I will KILL you! Don't worry Ty, I;m coming for you!" Lei promises. "No need for that, we will be coming to Shanghai in a few days and we can discuss business. But until then..." he removes the right strap of my dress exposing my breast before placing a kiss on it "...goodbye." then he hangs up the call. He tucks my breast back into my dress and pulls the strap back onto the shoulder. "This is going to be great." He unties my hands before walking away. It only had taken me a moment to realize that his plan is to anger Lei so much his reacts out of rage and starts doing irrational shit. By agreeing to help, I have released a beast that may be far greater than the dragon himself.  

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