Chapter 14

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December 18, 2019

Mike's apartment

Shanghai, China

"Mikeeeeeeeeee." My mouth feels like mush. We've been drinking white wine and watching movies for the past four hours. "Okay. No more drinking for you lightweight." He grabs my glass and the half filled bottle from off the table. Ugh. Mike is such a party pooper. "Noooooooo. I want some more! Please Mikey." "Mikey?" he let's the new nickname I give him roll off of his tongue. " Yup. Mikey." I pout. I'm laying it on pretty thick right now. Too bad I don't give a damn. The only thing I care about is swallowing more of my sweet, liquid escape. An escape from thinking about facing Lei tomorrow. "No Ty. I know what you're doing. Trying to butter me up, but the answer is still no." Mike shakes his head and starts to leave out of the living room. Time for Plan B. I get up from off of the couch, sit on the ground next to Mike and wrap myself around his legs. "Pleaseeeeeeeee. I'll be good." I look up at him with my bottom lip poking all the way out. Mike's eyes darken with...I don't even want to think about it because I just want wine. "You can have a cup once I come back from my shower. I promise." I unlock myself from his limbs and allow him to walk past. He sets the glasses and wine onto the kitchen counter. "I'll be back in 15 minutes. How about you put on another movie for us to watch." "Will do." I flick through Netflix for a couple of minutes before choosing 'The Grinch who stole Christmas'. I really hate this movie, but it's my mother's favorite. About five minutes into the movie, I hop off of the couch and make my way to the kitchen. I might miss my mother a lot, but I still need wine to get through this horrible movie. I pour myself a half cup of wine and chug it. A renewed feeling of relaxation and numbness courses through my body. Another cup won't hurt. After I chug the second cup of wine, I feel a presence behind me.

"You're too beautiful to be drinking yourself to death." the silky tone says from behind. I grab a knife that's laying next to the bottle and turn around. Dark browns eyes are staring down at me. "Niko? What the fuck are you doing here?" I point the knife directly at his chest. "Me?? I should be asking you the same question, but obviously I already know the answer to that." He takes in my appearance from head to toes. At this moment, I regret wearing one of Mike's shirts. He thinks I'm sleeping with Mike. "You have still yet to tell me what the fuck are you doing here? This is PRIVATE FUCKING PROPERTY! I should call the cops!" Niko snorts. "You and I know damn well that the cops here don't do shit." It's true, the cops in Shanghai are extremely lazy. Like, their asses don't give out directions to people...LAZY. "Anyways, I have keys to get into this apartment. My brother gave them to me. You, of all people, should know how serious he is about security." I drop the knife I'm holding to my side. Brother? Who the fuck is Niko's brother? I really want to ask Niko if he hit his head or something because clearly he is confused. Instead of bombarding him with questions, I choose to play it off. "Sorry. I've been a little jumpy since the kidnapping." I force the corners of my mouth to tilt upward. Hopefully, making a half ass convincing smile. "It's okay. Anyways I came to drop this off to him. Can you make sure he gets it?" He places a sealed envelope in my hand. " Sure." "Thanks Ty. And if you ever get tired of my brother, find me." Niko smirks for a second before leaving out of the apartment.

Niko was just here in Mike's apartment. He wasn't just in Mike's apartment, Niko had keys to get in here. This whole interaction sobered me up pretty quickly. Niko said that his brother gave him keys to get in. HIS BROTHER. I place the knife I'm clutching in my hand on the table behind the couch. I sit down and stare at the television blankly for a few minutes. Mike owns this apartment. Niko said his brother gave him keys to the apartment. When I first saw Niko I mistook him for Mike. Okay, they do look alike but nothing else fits. When would Mike have had a chance to be a part of any of this? I think about it... Mike was at Lei's apartment that night for the after party celebrating his victory. Is it possible that he was there spying on Lei? Or is Niko lying? Whether or not Niko is lying two things are for certain. 1. Niko and Mike could pass for twins and 2. I need to be careful and not confront Mike about this situation. If I confront him, it may set him off. "Are you okay?" Mike suddenly appears in front of me wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. His sculpted chest is covered in thousands of water droplets. He looks like a walking cover issue of Playgirl. "Agape Mou . Are you okay? I heard a knock at the door." Agape Mou. Agape Mou. My stomach clenches at hearing Mike call me that nickname. Mike has been calling me that since the first time we hung out. I didn't mind any other time, but now my body doesn't like hearing it. "Yea. I'm okay. Wrong house. It's just this movie remind me of home." Agape Mou. Agape Mou. My mind won't let up at all. I close my eyes for a second hoping to find some kind of answer. Agape Mou, you're missing out. Your caramel skin with my olive complexion joining together could make sweet beautiful poetry. My blood turns cold. "The Boss" called me Agape Mou. So, Mike is the "The Boss". I open up my eyes again. Now Mike is sitting next me on the couch. Could he really be the boss? There is only one way to find out. I crawl over to the other side of the couch and straddle Mike. "Ty, what are you doing?" Figuring out if you're the disgusting pig that had me kidnapped. "Something that I was thinking about since you walked in here wearing nothing but a towel." I lie with ease. I need him as distracted as possible. I take my right hand and slip them into his dark brown locks. I gently tug his head backwards so I can have Mike at my complete mercy. I crush my lips onto his. The kiss is just a simple peck. He's lips are soft. After about thirty seconds I break the kiss and attempt to get off his lap. Keyword ATTEMPT. "No, if I have to send you back to him tomorrow then I want to sear this moment into your memories." He grabs the back of my neck and pulls me back onto his lap. His mouth begins to perform a familiar tango with mines. The sensation feels amazing, but I feel nothing inside... just like the other time. So, he is my kidnapper. Time to shut down. I just sit there and let him kiss me. My disinterest in the kiss fuels Mike even more. He nips my bottom lip and slides his tongue into my mouth. I continue to sit still. He picks me up and has me straddling him again. I attempt to pull back my head a little bit. No luck. He begins sucking on my tongue gently. The pressure of his mouth squeezing my tongue causes me to moan. I feel a flood of heat rise in between my thighs. Ty, this is not how this goes. He's your kidnapper. My mind knows this, but the alcohol coursing through my bloodstream is making my body react, even though I don't want it to. He breaks the kiss and starts to nibble on my neck. Now I'm a squirming WET mess. Mike slide his hands to my butt and grips it to hold me still so I can feel his member is pressed against my apex. Sweet poetry. His words echo in my mind. I need to stop this because I refuse to have my body become his to imprison.

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