Chapter 18

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Lei's POV

December 20, 2018

Tian Garden Hotel and Suites

Shanghai, China

  If I just move a little bit closer...maybe I can feel her soft, full lips on me. The thought of Ty's lips wrapped around me makes all the blood in my body rush to my lower extremity. I look down at Ty, seeing her honey brown eyes staring directly at my erection. Is she biting her lip? Ah, hell. Maybe a little taste wouldn't hurt right now. "I mean, what harm could it do?" My second head attempts to rationalize with me, but my brain doesn't agree. "Concentrate Lei. You have to talk to her about everything that is going on. I take a couple deep breaths." I close my eyes and start thinking about a wrinkly old lady. There, that should do the trick. 

   "We need to talk." Her stomach growls again as if responding to my statement. "Okay, let me rephrase that. I'll feed you while we are talking. Cool?" She nods her head. Great, now we are getting somewhere. "Are you actually going to talk? Or would you rather listen to what I have to say?" Dumb question. I know that she isn't going to respond to me. She hates me right now. "You can talk and I'll listen." her voice croaks out. Inside of my mind I'm jumping for joy that she answers my question, but that happiness is short lived because I need her to I can figure out what Theo is planning. "Ok. Well first, I found a loophole in my marriage contract with LuLu. Divorce. In the agreement it never said that I couldn't divorce her. I can divorce her and it's a chance that I will be able to keep some assets from the marriage like having the Huang family continuing to protect my family. Although China is planting liberal seeds within it's soil, it's roots are still very much traditional. The husband is still the head of the family. And in the case of divorce, husbands have a more favorable outcome because they are seen as heads of households and societies. The moment we married I officially became the head of the Huang clan." There is a moment of silence. I know this conversation could've waited for another day, but I couldn't allow Ty to slip farther away from me. "But, you said that it's a chance, correct? Meaning there is still a huge chance that you could divorce Lulu, lose the protection which will put your family at risk, and potentially gain some new enemies." Ty's words startle me. I thought I predicted all the cons for divorcing Lulu. I thought that I was one step ahead of everyone else. However, that is one thing I did not expect as a possible outcome- the Huang family turning on me and making me their enemy. "You're right. I just want to end this marriage and end all of the pain that I'm causing you. I love you, Ty. I am willing to risk it all just for you to be happy with our marriage. It is time to prove to you how much I love you." Her light brown orbs soften at my words. I mean every word I just said. I can't go on living life knowing that I'n hurting the person I say I love the most. "Lei, I'm still pissed at you and my heart is in pain. Although your intentions to marry Lulu were honorable, your actions were deceitful. You should've been open with me this whole time. I would've stuck by your side, as long as there wasn't anything sexual going on between you and Lulu." She laughs. In that moment, I feel the world stop as she releases a musical masterpiece from her lips. I would sell all my prized possessions just to hear her laugh like that everyday for the rest of my life. "Okay, so I will divorce her. And we can continue our happy ending." She sighs. "After everything we have been through, you still have so much to learn. This is why you need to talk to me before you make decisions Lei. You lack FORESIGHT. That is your problem. You make decisions without thinking about the consequences you will face from making those decisions. Divorcing Lulu is not a great option right now because it will leave you with a potential new enemy and your family unprotected." Again, her shrewdness takes me by surprise. This conversation reminds me that I underestimate how intelligent and insightful Ty is...damn, if that doesn't make me love her ass more. "For now, let's just call a truce between us. We will work together and be honest with one another. The only thing I ask is that you do not have any physical contact with Lulu." I nod my head in agreement. "Cool, now feed me peasant." Ah, now her bossy side has returned. I smirk.

  I put a pillow under Ty's neck to prop her up a bit. I pick up a slice of kiwi and feed it to her. She greedily accepts it. I continue to feed her fruit for the next five minutes. Some people might think it's weird, but the thought of feeding Ty comforts me a lot. It is a new level of intimacy that I have never reached until now. I lose my train of thought as Ty starts sucking the fruit juices off of my finger. I shut my mouth, trapping the moan that was about to escape from it a second ago. Why does she have to be so...Ty? I wish that...nevermind, first I need to focus on Ty's "visit" at Theo Ambrosia's place. "So, is there something you would like to tell me? You know, like maybe who you've been staying with for the past month?" She stiffens at my words, which immediately puts me on edge. Her reaction can only mean one of two things. 1. Theo is planning something bad or 2. Theo did something bad to her. "Well, I stayed at my friend's Mike place. For the first three weeks everything was cool." I growl at her words. "I know your ass didn't growl at me. Your ass got married on me, so shut the fuck up." She's right, but I still don't like her staying in another man's home. " Anyways, last night before I returned back to y'all apartment Mike received a visitor. When his visitor arrived, Mike was upstairs taking a shower. I didn't let the person in. The person had a key to the apartment. I recognized the person as Niko, one of the guards I encountered during my "stay"  in Greece. I was scared, but Niko assumed that I knew his relationship with Mike. I played along with him. He gave me an envelope to give to Mike. It's back at y'all apartment." The whole time Ty was telling me this story her eyes wandered all over the place. She never made eye contact with me. There is more to the story. "There's more. Tell me the rest of it." "No, there isn't Lei." Damn, now her eye is twitching. Ugh. "Ty, I know you like the back of my hand. One, you never made eye contact with me, probably because you didn't want me to see right through you. Two, your right eye is twitching and that only happens when you're stressed or overthinking something. Three, it'ss unlike you to just take someone's word without doing your own investigation. You want us to be open with each other. It starts now." Silence. Of course. If she doesn't want to tell me, I'll get it out of her. I spread open her legs and bury my face in between them. I push my nose deep in between her panty covered folds. Now she's squirming. Oh, how I would love to have her squirming from the touch on my tongue on her soft, pink petals. I glance up at her. "Are you ready to tell me now?" Silence. Well I guess she's going to learn the hard way. I push a finger in between her folds. Warm and wet. Just like I remember. I almost cum from the tight grip she has on my finger. "Okay! OKAY, I will tell you!" Shit, just when I was about to have a little fun. I've been waiting forever to pleasure her with my mouth, especially since I found out that she is inexperienced in that department. Oh, the ways I could pleasure her body. I lift my head up a little bit. If she tells me, then I will stop. "So, I figure out that Mike is one of the Greek guys because of his voice." Again, she is avoiding eye contact to with me. Fine, since she want to play. I rip the sides of her underwear and pull them off. My mouth starts to water at the sight of her puffy, pink, glistening lips. Now, this time I can inhale her for real. I quickly dive in covering my face with her warmth. Damn, after all this time I finally know why she smells sweet. I take one long, slow lick from the bottom to the top of her slit. She tastes like honey. She is pulling herself upwards, grabbing onto the headboard to use it to put distance between us. "FINE! I found out who Mike was because I kissed him! The kiss felt the same as the way the Greek mafia boss kissed me when I was kidnapped." Bingo. There's the rest of it. I'm glad I know the rest of the story now, but I'm fuming that she kissed him. She is mine. I wrap my arms around her upper thighs and yank her down onto my face. I'm going to eat her until she cries, suck every last drop of essence from her and write my name with my tongue on her beautiful folds. I'm going to remind her why no other man will have her feeling the way that I do.


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