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When Brian brought Jisung inside, he placed him on the couch.

"Are you okay?" Brian asked worried.

"Hyung I swear I'm fine." Jisung reassured.

"No you're not. That guy who brought you here said that you can't even walk." Brian argued.

"I can walk. Minho was just lying." Jisung argued.

Brian raised an eyebrow. He stood up and crossed his arms, "Stand up. Now."

Jisung rolled his eyes and tried to lift his upper half of the body off of the couch but again, the pain shot through this stomach and ribs. He shut his eyes in pain and fell back down on the couch.

Brian's eyes softened, "Jisung, what the fuck happened." He asked again.

This was when Jihyo came in. She rushed over to her little brother. "Jisung oh my god I was worried sick. I was about to call the cops. Are you okay? The guy who brought you here said it was a gang. I knew I should've driven you to the store." Jihyo rambled.

"A gang?!" Brian stared intensely at his younger brother.

Jisung opened his mouth to say something but Brian beat him to it.

"If you say you're fine one more time I'm going to punch every part of your body just to see how 'fine' you are."

Jisung quickly closed his mouth and thought of his next few words carefully. He decided that telling them the truth was the best choice.

"I was walking to the convenience store and decided to the the short cut through that dark street because I knew how worried Jihyo noona was so I tried to be as fast as I can. I heard a girl crying because she was lost but she was actually just luring me for her brother to kill me. He's in a gang. He punched me and these two other guys kicked my stomach and ribs. Then Minho came in and helped me out." Jisung looked down, playing with his fingers.

"We need to get you to a hospital right now." Brian got up quickly from his seated position.

"No!" Jisung immediately replied. "Please don't take me to a hospital."

"Jisung you can't even stand up without crying in pain. One of your ribs is probably broken. We are going to the hospital whether you want to or not." Brian went to go grab a coat from his room upstairs.

Jisung quickly averted his vision to Jihyo, looking desperate, "Noona please don't take me to the hospital. I promise I'm fine. I'll be okay by tomorrow. Please."

The older sighed, "Fine. But if by the morning you still can't stand up, then we're taking you to the hospital asap." She ruffled Jisung's hair and stood up. She walked upstairs probably to tell Brian the plan.

Jisung sighed out of relief. Jisung never liked the hospital. He doesn't really know why. The whole vibe of hospitals gives him anxiety. X-rays, mri's, etc. weren't really his thing. He always tried to avoid getting hurt so he wouldn't have to go to the emergency room.

So far in his seventeen years of living, he has never had to go to the hospital because he was hurt. Sure he's gone for shots and check ups but never because he was injured. The thought of him probably having to get an x-ray to check his ribs was terrifying for him.

Brian came back to pick Jisung up and take him to his bed. "You're lucky Jihyo is good with her words or else we would be driving to the hospital right now." Brian stated and Jisung laughed.

The older entered Jisung's room and gently placed Jisung down on the bed. "Go to sleep. You need some rest." The brother grabbed Jisung's comforter and tucked him in. Giving himself deja vu from when he would tuck Jisung in every night when they were younger.

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