t w e n t y e i g h t .

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"I've been waiting for you to say that to me for four years. And I want to believe you, but I just can't and I won't. I know what you're trying to do and I'm not going to fall for it."

Jeongin wasn't looking at Yedam but he could feel him freeze after he said those words. Am I crazy? This is all I've wanted but I just can't accept it. Something doesn't seem right. Nothing adds up. He's definitely hiding something from me and I know it's not anything good. Jeongin thought to himself.

"What? Why? What am I doing wrong?" Yedam whispered with hurt evident in his voice, like he was about to cry, but Jeongin was too paranoid to realize his authenticity.

"This is all a lie, you're just playing with my feelings. You don't actually like me, it doesn't make sense. How can you like me? You ditched me the last three days and hung out with those other guys. I wouldn't have thought much of it if you had just told me that you were gonna hang with them, but you acted like you didn't even know me and you completely ignored me. You cut me off unless you needed help in something. Even during our tutor you wouldn't look at me. You let me think that I did something wrong and that I screwed up. It's not fair for you to ditch me and then tell me that you like me out of nowhere because I know you don't mean it. I know you ignored me because you got tired of me or something. You probably made a bet with your other friends that you could make me fall for you so I can make a complete fool of myself. Since that's the only logical explanation as to why you've been acting like such a dick recently."

Jeongin took a deep breath and closed his eyes, he felt the tears coming. "And It hurts because I already did fall for you." His voice sounded weak.

He opened his eyes and made eye contact with Yedam before continuing. "I actually like you and I've had the biggest crush on you for the past four years. So you can just stop playing with my feelings and giving me false hope. You don't have to keep on acting anymore, you already won the bet, you already made me look like an idiot." Jeongin's voice gave out at the end as he broke the eye contact and shed his first tears.

Yedam stood there shocked. He didn't know what he was expecting to hear but this was definitely not it. "I'm not acting. There was no dare and I could never get tired of you." Yedam said quietly, walking closer to Jeongin but the boy backed away.

"Then why did you ignore me?" More tears fell down Jeongin's face as his voice wavered.

Yedam reached out to wipe his tears, but Jeongin moved away again before Yedam got close. The boy sighed, "The truth in why I hung out with those other guys was because they were helping me. They were helping me get my feelings for you figured out."

Jeongin inhaled sharply as Yedam took a deep breath before continuing, "Jeongin I've liked you since the the first day of high school in freshman year, but I thought it was a small crush like all my other ones so I didn't think much of it. I slowly realized that my crush towards you lasted so much longer than my other ones so I decided to do something about it this year. I asked our teacher if I can get a tutor in math because I knew he would ask you to tutor me since you were the best at it and I obviously suck, so it all played out nicely."

He paused to take a breath, "The more I hung out with you, the more my feelings for you got stronger and I've never felt like this before so I went to my other friends for some advice. That's why I hung with them on Wednesday. They helped me realize that I should take a chance and ask you on a date. Then yesterday and today, I hung out with them again because I needed their help on creating a plan on how to ask you out. They helped me plan out the perfect way to ask you. And I wouldn't look at you during our tutoring session because I knew if I looked at you for too long then I would get nervous and blush really badly."

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