t w e n t y f i v e .

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Some of the things they said were true, Minho was better than him. Jisung doesn't deserve him.

As his first tear rolled down his face, the school doors slammed open.

The loud noise echoed through the entire school and everyone jumped at the noise. They turned their attention to the entrance and saw five boys stomping towards the crowd. Minho was leading and he did not look happy at all, there was blue flames emanating from his entire body. Minho quickly spotted where his boyfriend was standing since he was right in the middle of everything. Jisung looked at his boyfriend with wide eyes and the gang member saw the tear that had fallen down Jisung's face, he felt his blood boil. Minho immediately walked over to Jisung and scanned his boyfriend, looking for cuts or bruises or anything that would've shown that he was physically hurt.

"Minho?" Jisung whispered in surprise.

"Tell us Minho. You're not actually dating Jisung are you? You don't actually like him right?" Hwajoon questioned, confident that Minho would agree to what he was saying. The gang member didn't spare a glance at Hwajoon, he kept his eyes on his boyfriend.

Instead of saying anything, Minho cupped Jisung's cheeks and connected their lips. The whole school gasped. Hwajoon and the group of people behind him, were taken aback as their jaws dropped. Jisung didn't notice the gasp from the students because all he could focus on was Minho and the kiss. It wasn't rough or lust filled. It was a gentle kiss that lingered for a few seconds, it ended almost as quickly as it started. Jisung hid his face in the crook of Minho's neck after realizing what they just did in front of the whole school. The gang member wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, fascinated at the fact that he could make Jisung flustered with just one kiss.

"Does that answer your question?" Minho looked at Hwajoon for the first time today. The new kid opened his mouth and closed it many times but never said anything, he was speechless.

A girl stepped forward. "B-but you should date someone who's good for you-"

"And what, you think you're good for me?" Minho snapped back at the girl. He laughed mockingly, "Hate to break it to you but I'm gay. And even if I was straight or bi, I would rather be tortured than date you."

The girl quickly shut her mouth and felt her cheeks heat up from the fact that she publicly got insulted by Minho. The group of students cowered under Minho's harsh glare and soon ran off, not wanting to know what will happen to them if they stuck around any longer, but also because they couldn't take the embarrassment or the glare anymore.

"Y-you aren't being serious are you?" Hwajoon tried to give Minho the benefit of the doubt. "Him?" The new kid pointed to Jisung, making the latter unconsciously loosen his grip on Minho and look down.

Fury roared through Minho's mind at the disrespect that Hwajoon was showing. Before the new kid could flinch or before Jisung could stop him, Minho let go of Jisung and appeared in front of Hwajoon. Minho brought his hand back and gave the arrogant male in front of him, a five star slap to his left cheek. The force of Minho's hand was so powerful that the impact of his hand against Hwajoon's cheek not only made the boy's head snap to right, but it also made Hwajoon lose his balance as he fell to the floor with a thud. The sound of the slap echoed through the halls and everyone cringed at how painful that slap was.

"Don't ever fucking talk to my boyfriend like that. You are absolutely no one to be disrespecting him." Minho spat at the boy on the floor who was rubbing his cheek, thinking it would evaporate the pain away. He didn't look up at Minho, he was too afraid to. The absolute pure fear was evident in Hwajoon's eyes and he was shaking on the ground.

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