Void Stiles

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OMG thank you guys sm for 7K reads! I honestly never thought I would get this far. 

ps this is based, sort of , off the episode where Stiles turns into the nogitsune (i think. if it's wrong let me know xo). as you can tell by the gif up above this is when he's in the hospital doing the MRI scan thingy. now lets get into the chapter! 

Y/N falls for Void and they become the "Harley and Joker" of Beacon Hills


2nd POV 

You were sitting in the waiting room, coincidentally alone because the others were gone for various reasons. Suddenly, the lights started to flicker obnoxiously making you start to feel uneasy but then you notice a shadow down the hall. So, you decided to go check it out. Standing up you walk down the hall slowly trying to see what the figure was doing. Getting closer the figure seemed to be Stiles giving you relief for a sly second. But you then remember he was supposed to be in an MRI session. 

"Stiles?" you knit your eyebrows together wondering why he wasn't in the room with the doctors. "What are you doing?" you ask stepping forwards focusing on his appearance. He looked to be a bit paler, there's an almost purple-looking tint under his eyes, and he had badly chapped lips. 

Taking a step backward continuing to stare at his new features and these characteristics start to become very familiar to you. 

"Y/N, don't be scared," he smirks almost looking sinister causing you to frown but that frown soon goes into shock. 

"You-you've become void. Fully known as the Nogitsune," Stiles or should you say Void steps towards you with the same smile. 

He chuckles, "You were always the smarter one in the pack, huh?" 

You started to get nervous without the others around even though you had your own abilities; not that they knew. He comes face to face with you taking in your features fully; touching your right cheek delicately. 

"You're coming with me," he sternly says but you nod disapproving.

Mustering up the confidence you answer back, "No I'm not."

"Yes you are!" he yells sternly, placing a cloth laced with chemicals on your nose. You placed your hand onto his sending bolts of electricity through his body; thus causing him to jump away. That was enough time for you to run. You ran as fast as you could down the hall but you hit a dead end. 

"No, no, no," your eyes start to water and you turn around, Void steadily coming closer. 

"And this time you won't get away," he sends a blow to your head, knocking you out cold. He looks down towards you, touching your cheek smirking. "We're going to have so much fun." 

time skip 

Y/N's POV 

I slowly wake up adjusting to my surroundings, luckily it wasn't bright because my head is throbbing. I placed my hand on top of where most of the pain was coming from and there was a tiny bandage there. 

"You're awake," Void says making me jump slightly. 

"What a way to announce you're in the room," I mutter under my breath. 

"It was," he laughs and you roll your eyes. 

"Why am I here?" 

"Well I want you, little Y/N," he says sitting next to me on the plush bed sheets then continuing, "To help me cause havoc for Beacon Hills." 

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