Derek Hale

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3rd POV

Currently, Max, Isaac, Derek, and Liam were all practicing with each other. 2 on 2 actually. Derek against Isaac while Liam was against Max. Max being the lovely girl she was, helped out her play toy, Derek. (boyfriend obvi) 

"Liam!" Max yells, pushing him away before blandly staring at him. 

"If this was real you would have to use all your strength right?" she asks and he nods in response before continuing, "Well use it and stop playing around!" she yells, punching him in the nose. 

After that hit, Liam staggered before his anger took over causing Max to smile. 

Smirking she says, "That's exactly what I wanted," they charge towards each other. 

On the other side of the room, Derek watched, smiling to himself after seeing the right hook Max threw and man was it enjoyable to watch. 

"Are you done watching that hot-" he goes to say but cuts short once he sees Derek's face, "I mean Max so we can continue?" 

Turning towards Isaac popping some of his joints he smirks, getting into place, "Of course." 

time sKip just bCuz

Now Max and Derek were going against each other, one on one.

"So guys, when you're fighting make sure to look them in the eye. Showing no weaknesses, stay strong, stand tall, and be prepared for anything!" Max shouted whilst Liam and Isaac nod in response.

Derek and Max each go for a bit longer. Throwing punches, dodging them, but Derek holds onto Maxs' arm; flipping her onto the ground. He straddles her, claws expanding.

Max rolls her eyes in exasperation as Derek speaks, "And this is how you get your opponent to the ground," he looks up towards the two. That allowed for Max to go into the exact position he was in, putting her dagger to his neck.

Without looking up towards the two she says, "And this goes to show how you're not supposed to take your eyes off the opponent or they'll overpower you."

She leans over ghosting her lips over Derek's, moving her hips slightly over his waist.

Smirking she whispers into his ear, "You're always supposed to keep your eyes on me, Hale. You big, bad werewolf," Derek growls in return. 

Coughing, Liam stared a bit appalled, "I don't wanna get that close," earning a laugh from Max.

"Well, you don't have to, of course."

Derek interrupts, "Alright practice is over," he pulls Max up the stairs with him.

Liam and Isaac look towards each other and laugh before heading to the showers. 

Derek pulls Max into the room, placing his tender lips onto hers. His rough fingers glided on the bare skin of her stomach, and pulled up her shirt which Max allows. Max wrapped her arms around his neck letting the kiss go a bit longer. 

Pulling away she goes to the bathroom smirking at Derek before closing the door. 

"You're gonna leave me like this?" He asks flustered. 

Turning on the water, to let it warm up, she answers back in response, "Yeah! The boys are here." 

Derek scoffs placing out some clothes for her to wear which consisted of shorts and one of his t-shirts. 

time skip aGain 

After taking a shower and getting dressed she went down the stairs, ruffling Liam's hair before looking over his shoulder to see what he was working on. 

"AP Bio? Oh wow, you really are smart," she laughs lightly and Liam scoffs. 

"I am..smarter than you'll ever be," he answers in response, he and Isaac both go into a fit of laughter.  (ik 'he and isaac' isn't correct but idc)

Nudging him softly, "Hey! I went out with a 4.0 but I just sucked in Bio." 

Rolling his eyes, "We know Mom." 

"I'm not that old my little honey bunches of oats," she says, pinching his cheek. 

Heading towards the fridge she bends over to get out the ingredients she was going to use. Isaac looks over staring in the direction of her ass, which led to him not being able to see Derek come from behind and smack him on the head. This event caused Liam to laugh. 

"Focus on your homework and not on her," Derek huffs. 

Setting the oven towards her desired temperature, Derek wraps his arms around her waist. Kissing along her neck, running his hands lightly against her skin which she loved. 

Biting her lip she says, "Not while they're here," causing Derek to groan again. 

Turning around glancing towards the two he says, "Pack your stuff and go study at Scott's house." 

Liam looks confused and Isaac rolls his eyes while they both start to pack their things. 

Max laughs before grabbing her keys and handing them to Isaac, "Take care of my car and come back later on tonight. I'll save a plate for the both of you." 

"Why do we have to leave?" Liam asks completely unaware of the whole situation. 

Before Max could answer Isaac says, "So Derek can get some. You know... sexual intercourse," Liam turns red and Derek growls at Isaac pushing them out the door. 

Once they drove off the pavement, Derek came back over towards Max. Before he could do anything she stopped him. 

With a hand on her hip, she sighs, "We can do what you want after dinner," and his face drops as he flops in the chair beside him causing her to laugh. 

[originally posted: Oct 26 2019]

[edited: Jun 22 2021]

hope y'all enjoyed it! i haven't been on my writing game lately and it shows but i think this is still pretty good. thanks for reading and be on the lookout for another chapter! xo
ps grammar will be fixed l8r

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