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I heard a firm 'come in' from the other side and I knew that voice is not my father's voice. Releasing a shaky breath I twist the door knob and entered.

Inside, Asher Knight was sitting in his all glory and power on the head chair of the table. He was watching my every move with his hawk like gaze.

As our eyes meet, it was like a monumental slap on my face. A violent blow to my heart. Time stoped, replaying that night again.

I gulped nervously and look around us and noticed that we were the only ones here. There was no sight of my beloved father.

"Your father is busy right now. He may join us shortly. You have your seat Miss Miller" he said in his deep gravelly voice.

'damn you old man'

After mentally cursing my father, I took slow steps and placed myself in one of the seat.

"H-how may I-I help you?" I facepalmed myself mentally for sounding so weak. But I can't help it because all I knew was that he had a gun, plus a army full of men loaded with guns, who kill people in dark alley. So it will be a total lie to say  I donot fear this man.

"You're fired" he stated casually.

I froze up, looking at him with pure shock.
"Excuse me?"

"You're fired from this company Miss Miller'

'Okay, now I'm confuse'

"I-I don't understand. You're not my Boss and you cannot dismiss me of my work like this", I looked at him, my mouth slightly open in shock.

I retreat my confusion filled face once seeing his smirk. He was enjoying my reaction, so so much.

"Yes I can. Let's say this in a easy way, I'm your boss's boss. So I can fire you and from the next week you're welcome to your new job"

"What new job?" I narrowed my eyes.

"As my personal assistant. In my company" he smirked.

I was silent for a moment. Processing his statement through my head.

"Say what?" I asked, slightly leaning on the table towards him, scrunching my nose and narrowing my eyes further, "I am still confused".

Then he stood up, straightening his coat and tie. I moved back to my backrest, suddenly remembering all the power this single man possessed.

'He own a freaking gang; men loaded with guns! Act politely you moron'

"Your father is in a very big debt Miss Miller. So he asked me to help him. Sorting out everything was the main point for today's meeting. Your father offered everything to me as a collateral, except the top companies he own. So I took the thing, I'm interested on" his voice dangerously dropped as he made his way towards me.

I shakily stoop up and faced him, "W-what is that t-thing?"

He didn't answer at first. But as he reached me, he bend down slightly to reach my eye level and whispered the word I never thought of hearing in my life.


I slightly jump back at his close proximity while watching him with wide eyes, mouth agape.


"I'm taking his second daughter, you, as the collateral for the money I'm giving him" he sounded so dominating and confident as if he's appearing for the next election.

"This is insane" I whispered, "you are insane".

'I can't believe he's doing this'

I moved back from him and straighten myself.

"I'm not doing this" gathering my remaining confidence, I stated.
He looked amused seeing my fake boldness because he knew well I was a scared cat inside.

"That's the point. You don't have a choice here Miss Miller"

"Yes I do have a choice, sir and I'm not going to be your personal assistant. Hell, I'm not even qualified for that job and most importantly, I am not coming in between your business. The deal was between you and my father, I don't have anything to do with it"

He was annoyed by now, maybe, because he narrowed his eyes at me dangerously and looked at me like I'm some ungrateful woman.

"Be glad that I'm taking you in as my PA, with the best salary you could ever have with your present degree"


"Why me?" I asked softly, despite of the storm going on inside me.

"Why not you? I've gone through each and every detail of your work in this company. Even though I'm choosing you as a collateral, it doesn't mean I can't make you work for me. After all, this is one of the reason on choosing you instead of your stepsister.
Besides, I went through your CV this morning and it said you can be a very versatile employee. What happened now?" He said in a mocking tone and smirked as he can clearly see the anger, mixed with confusion and fear, on my face.

I indeed was fuming with anger, thinking this man's judgemental thoughts. What does he mean by that? Even if I'm 'versatile', it doesn't mean that I can do any kind of job given to me.

'jerk! He's making fun of me'

I stood there still, looking at his face with my mouth agape. I know he was losing his patience and I was losing mine too.
I had so much to say but nothing was coming out of my mouth. I was preparing points inside my head as if we both were standing in a debate, but no sentence was forming properly while me saying it out loud.

Finally I said, "I'm sorry Mr Knight but you are being extremely absurd. You can't take decisions on my life and career just because you're helping my father. For the matter of fact, I don't care what you and my father do. So I, clearly, am not d-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence because next thing I knew was that he was standing in front of me, so close that I was able to feel his breath on my cheeks.

I gasped at his closeness and took a step back but I was stopped by the chair, I was previously sitting on. I stumbled back a little and tightly grabbed the backrest of the chair.

He was not touching even a single inch of my body but I was feeling hot all over my body. It felt like he was running his hands on me, all over me. And this thought alone was able to make me blush like a stupid teenager.

I looked at his eyes but quickly looked down at his chest because he was already watching my every move.

He moved slightly and brought his mouth near my left ear, just an inch apart.

"I warned you, didn't I"
"What?" I breathlessly asked.
"I warned you not to look back. But you did. And now, I'm never letting you go. You're mine now Felicity" saying this he took few steps back and look at me with a smirk.

Suddenly the smirk vanished from his face and his eyes dangerously darken few shades. His mischievous look was replaced by a deadly look in a mere second.

"And donot even dare to refuse me ever. You'll regret it. I will make sure you regret it"

He walked out like nothing happened while I stood there still like a statue. A flashback of that night crossed my mind.

"And one last thing, never ever turn back or look back. Because the moment you turn back to look at me and enter my life again, I'll never let you go. Never again"
His words were ringing inside my head.

He was right. He did warned me that day, but my foolish curious self stupidly looked back.
They say it right, curiosity do kill the cat!

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