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"My office. Now", the intercom buzzed and I immediately got up.

I entered Asher's office after knocking. He was, as usual, busy on his laptop. Once I was inside, he looked up at me.

"Yes sir?" I asked.

"What is the schedule for the day?"

"You are free till 3. At 3 you have to visit the new plot"

"Cancel the plans. Meet me at the entrance in 10 minutes" saying this he stood up and I made my way out of his office.

Fortunately, we didn't had any meetings Today. So, I was confused thinking where we are going. I unplugged the charger from my phone and grabbed my purse. Taking the iPad lastly, I walked to the elevator.

Once reaching ground floor, I hurriedly went out of the building, ignoring everyone's gaze. It's almost been two to three months for me to work here but sadly enough, I didn't made a single good friend. Everyone looks so busy all the time. I, personally, remain busy all the time that I never got the chance.

'I miss Sasha'

A black sleek car stopped in front of me. When I was about to open the rear door, a hand came from my behind and opened it for me, making me jump slightly.
I followed the hand and glance behind, to see Asher holding the door open for me.

The unwanted blush again coloured my cheeks and after mumbling a quite 'Thank you', I got inside. Closing my door, he came to the other side and settled beside me, ordering the driver to go.

"Where are we going?" I asked, once my cheeks loses the blush.

"To Blue Moon" he answered. My eyebrows shot up hearing that we are going to a jewelry shop?

"But it's a jewelry shop" I thought about the possibilities of what kind of deal he wants to crack there.

"You think I don't know that?" He raised one eyebrow sarcastically. "Its Clara and Christian's third wedding anniversary today. We have to take the gift"

"Oh" surprised, I was unable to say something more.

"Yes. Oh" I heard him mumbling before he got out of the car.

Then only I noticed the car was parked outside the 'Blue Moon'. I stepped out of the car and went towards Asher, who was waiting for me by the shop's doors. Once reached, we both made our way inside.

"Mr Knight, good to see you" the woman standing behind the counter greeted him professionally.
The friendly smile on her face showed that she was familiar with Asher. How? I have no idea.

"Morning Molly. I hope the order is ready?" He replied.

"Yes of course" she turned behind her and took out a beautifully packed paper bag. She smiled sweetly as she put the box in the counter, "Your order is ready to go".

When I was about to take the bag, he stopped and said the driver will handle it. Just then I noticed that his driver was standing behind us. We walked out of the shop and went towards the car, when I suddenly stopped walking.

"What happened?" Asher asked, surprised by my sudden brake.

"Am I going to their celebration?" I asked curiously.

"Of course"

"But I'm not invited" I frowned.

"Yes you are. Clara asked me to bring you. Besides, you are with me" he replied confidentially.

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