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Nathan Martin is a wild man with cheap and dirty tricks. His name is quite famous in underworld. And I hate how he's close to Felicity .

'Damn it!'

My blood still boils remembering the dinner night in her house, how he hugged her and whispered those fake words in her ears. He even fucking dared to come to my office to meet her.

The moment I saw both of them holding hands on the coach, I fucking lost it.
I do regret my behavior afterwords. And I rarely feel guilty for my actions, unless and until it is related to my close ones. 

But who is she to me? What bond do I share with Felicity Miller?

That's right. Nothing. She's just an employee. And that's what irks me the most.

"You're staring. Again" Christian whispered, smirking, making me glare at him.

We were in the middle of a conference meeting and she was distributing the documents which were needed to be placed before the meeting even started.

I sighed lightly. She's damn clumsy. No doubt. And I hate clumsy and messy people. Again no doubt.
But somehow, her nature doesn't affect me. Yes, I do act annoyed and frustrated but never really felt like that. Her big, innocent eyes always manages to calm my nerves.

Fuck! She's beautiful. Her smile, her eyes, the way she blushes, her habit of scrunching her nose in confusion, that nervous lip bite, the way her face brighten up while looking at the things she loves - especially food.

She's damn beautiful.

"It's done" she said once coming to my side. I could tell she was scared. Afraid if I'll snap again. But I only nodded.

The meeting resumed. I checked the documents and I can say I'm proud of her. She's not qualified for this job but she does it well. Few clumsy mistakes here and there but her final report is always the accurate.

From my peripheral view, I kept watching her time to time. She was taking notes, trying her best to not miss anything. She was like an open book; so easy to read.
I know I shouldn't torture her like this but I'm cruel and selfish. I shouldn't have forced her to work for me. I should have left her alone. But for some unknown reasons, I want her close. So I played my ways to keep her close.

"I want the final reports next Monday. The partnership shouldn't go in vain" I instructed strictly, concluding the meeting.

After talking to some employees individually, me, Christian and Felicity made our way to my floor. She went to her cabin after informing me about my schedule and we went to mine.

The moment we stepped inside, Christian started chuckling.

"What?" I sat on my chair, opening the files which required my signature.

"You're smitten by her, my friend" he said while taking his seat.

"Shut up" I glared.

"I know the looks you were giving those men who were trying to get close to her in the meeting. Plus I know the look on your face while you were watching her. I went through that phase. I know better" he stated.

God swear if it wasn't for the friendship, I would've shooted him.

"If you were not my best friend then you would have died today" I warned him.

He only rolled his eyes and sighed like a dramatic teenager, "But I am your best friend and you won't dare to kill me. So what I'm saying is that go for this girl.  I'm having a feeling, she's the one"

"Shut the fuck up. And stop reading those novels" I got up to leave for lunch. We got out of my office.

"What? I don't read, I only listen while my wife reads them. Besides, Clara loves 'those novels'. And don't ignore my warning. I can tell there are many men waiting for her" he said while his attention was somewhere else.

I followed his gaze and saw a guy with uniform coming through the elevator, with a big bouquet of roses. My mind straight went to Nathan and I saw red. I stormed towards the guy, glaring at the bouquet.

"S-sir. I'm here to d-deliver this to M-Ms Miller" he said while stuttering clearly terrified from the look on my face.

But I didn't mind him a bit as I checked for any note. When I found one, my fist clenched. I was right. It was from Nathan.

"Sir?" Her voice came from my behind, gaining the delivery boy's attention.

"Ma'am? Are you Ms Miller?" He asked.

"Yes" she looked at him before turning her confused gaze on me.

"This is for you ma'am" he handed her the bouquet after making her signed on the papers.

She looked surprised but seeing the little sparkle in her eyes, I could tell she liked the gift.

"Who is it from?" She asked while checking for the note that I was holding.

"Nathan" I said bitterly. "Leave" I glared at the delivery boy and he ran out.

She looked startled when I mentioned Nathan's name. Her eyes widen up for a moment and the next she blinked her eyes, like she always do when nervous or flustered.

"I.. I wi-" she stopped when she saw my glare.

"Tell your lover boy that this things are not allowed in my office. Next time I notice these, I'll make sure you will regret it Miller. Don't test it" I said calmly but watching her reaction I could tell she noticed the rage behind my words.

As soon as she took the note from my hand, I walked out.

"What was that?" Christian asked me after a long time. I almost forgot he was with me too.

"What?" I grumbled.

"Why you were so angry? I pity the delivery boy. You looked like you were going to punch the hell out of him just because he brought the flowers" he said with amusement.

Yes. I was fuming. I would've killed him too.

"It was nothing" I got inside the car.

"I've seen you acting like that but only to your men. You never acted like that for a woman, Asher. I'm not blind so don't fool yourself"

I remained quiet and ignored him while checking my phone for daily reports from my men. He sighed.

"You're keeping eyes on her. Aren't you?" He asked.

"It's important. For her safety" I didn't denied.

I do watch her. I have my men note her each and every move. Not as stalking but mainly as security. For her safety, as I said.

The main purpose behind sending Sasha to pick her up that night was to stop her from travelling alone. There are many people who'll try anything and everything to bring me down. And if anything happens to her, I have no idea what hell will break loose.

I never in a million years thought she'll matter this much to me. And how this all happened? I've no idea. At first she was just a pawn to play. But I guess time do plays a very important role in people's lives.

The things she do to my heart are something. Something different but totally amazing. She isn't perfect. But she manages to bring a tsunami inside me with her smallest of thing. And those little things are everything to me.

This woman manages to bring chaos to my emotions. She brings peace to my inside but messes up my feelings. Her presence brings calmness but creates a turmoil of mixed emotions too.

She is the storm that you enjoy. The raging storm where you can peacefully sleep while listening to the sound of rain. She's that guilty pleasure. She's that imperfect addiction.

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