Trying Not to Break Before Break

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I can't tell if that was an earthquake or if you just seriously rocked my world!

I can't tell if that was an earthquake or if you just seriously rocked my world!

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Finals week wasn't overwhelming for Jimin. The classes he had chosen to take this past semester were project-based, and he had finished those the moment his professors had introduced them. That's how he liked to do things; promptly and with structure. Going through life was no different. He enjoyed a schedule with normalcy and plans in advance. If things were going to change, he would prefer to prepare and equip himself for those changes. Taehyung put up with his "quirks" (as he teasingly called them) with acceptance and amusement. His organizational habits, color coding traits, and food pickiness never irritated or bothered Taehyung.  

Jimin rubbed his wrist absentmindedly and swallowed the bitterness that came with it. He was sure that nobody else would ever be able to accept and love him for who he was in every aspect, regardless of soulmate status. It's one of the many reasons he knew that he and Taehyung were perfect for each other.

"This is the second time you've brought me here," Jimin muttered, using the sound of his voice to break through his thoughts. He took a seat on the frozen grass and stared at the babbling brook, stubbornly refusing to look at his companion.

"This is the second time you've let me," Yoongi replied, removing his motorcycle helmet and laying a blanket down to sit on.

Jimin reluctantly moved to sit next to Yoongi on the soft, red checkered blanket. "You've only asked me half a dozen times," he grumbled, picking at his nailbeds. "What happened to this being your special spot?"

"It's still my special spot," Yoongi proceeded to insist, "I haven't brought anyone else here. I just haven't felt like being alone lately."

Jimin shifted uncomfortably. "Why ask me?" he mused. "There are plenty of people you'd consider yourself to be closer with, such as..." he trailed off and stared up at the open sky, Hobi's name resting bitterly on his tongue for an indescribable reason. "Your boyfriend," he finally finished, "or best friend, or sister, or-"

"I get it," Yoongi chuckled. "However, as much as I love them," he turned to catch Jimin's eye, "they're all people I feel the need to escape from at times."

A frown nestled between Jimin's brows and translated to his lips. "Why?"

Yoongi shrugged. "Namjoon is typically busy, has his shit to deal with nowadays. And Ji, well, I know you aren't the greatest fan of hers for a multitude of reasons, but ultimately she reminds me of a childhood I want to escape and relive at the same time."

"I know the feeling," Jimin heard himself immediately respond. He did know the feeling. Growing up, his family and friends loved him, but he could scarcely go a day without being compared to Jin. His parents and teachers always asked him why he wasn't more like his 'big brother;' even his friends idolized his 'cool older brother.'

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