Spilled Coffee

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We should get some coffee, because I like you a latte.

We should get some coffee, because I like you a latte

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It had been a while since Taehyung had paid a visit to his home town. Granted, the coffee shop they were currently presiding in wasn't one he had visited often, but it was familiar enough to feel homey. If things with Jungkook weren't so confusing, he had half a mind to invite him back to his parents' house. Just so he could see them, of course. But things were confusing, and he could only assume that introducing Jungkook to his parents would make things even more complicated.

"Thanks," he murmured when Jungkook set a styrofoam cup of coffee and a strawberry scone in front of him. Despite the fact that he was merely joking by calling this a date, Jungkook had still insisted on buying him his beverage and treat. Taehyung couldn't fathom why. Or maybe he could, and just didn't want to think about that possibility.

"There's a decent looking mirror in the men's bathroom," Jungkook commented, as he chewed around the blueberry muffin he had ordered. "We could film that scene we talked about."

Taehyung nodded, it was the best opportunity they were going to have. "Do you think we can film that and still have enough time to catch the last train out of here?"

"I think so."

An uncomfortable silence fell over them. It wasn't just because they were eating; though that was the excuse Taehyung attempted to tell himself. It was uncertainty. The underlining truth that the events of that weekend couldn't just be filed away and forgotten. Something had changed between the two, and Taehyung hadn't expected to ever look at Jungkook as something other than an enemy; someone he hated.

He certainly hadn't expected to look at him as someone he could one day call a friend.

"The other day," Jungkook suddenly blurted out. "I was struggling to open a tub of ice cream. I got so impatient that I yanked on it with all my might and," he took a deep breath, "punched myself in the face."

Taehyung froze with the mug against his lips. He blinked in slow confusion and then began to laugh softly. His laughter got louder as he began to form the mental picture of Jungkook punching himself in the face, for no reason other than he wanted ice cream. Jungkook began to laugh along with him, the awkward tension between the two slowly dissipating into the air as they howled at the expense of Jungkook's poor misfortune.

"Why would you tell me that!?" Taehyung asked as he clutched his stomach from laughing so hard.

Jungkook smiled. "When things got awkward between us at Irene's party you asked me to share my most embarrassing story and it lightened the mood." He shrugged. "Figured I'd try it again."

"Okay, okay, my turn!" Taehyung grinned. "One time, when I was little, I was at the park and some lady was yelling 'come over here to get your ice cream!' So obviously I ran over to get some ice cream and-"

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