Inevitable Consequences

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Are you a microwave oven? Because you melt my heart.

Are you a microwave oven? Because you melt my heart

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Seokjin stared at his wife, the divorce papers he had finally served unsigned. His head spun. This changed everything. The pen in his hand hovered above the signature line, but his conscious bade him not to press the ink against the document.

"Well," Lisa said, "go on."

She was trying to come off as haughty and annoyed, but Seokjin had loved her for more than half his life. He almost knew her better than she knew herself. The bags under her eyelids affirmed her lack of sleep, and her restless twitching showcased the helplessness that she was attempting to hide.

Seokjin swallowed. "How long have you known?"

Lisa smoothed down the sides of her dress. "A few months," she admitted, "after you left."

The steady, familiar tick of the clock filled Seokjin's already pounding eardrums. His legs shook as cold sweat rolled down his back. The document was still unsigned after he left.

Namjoon greeted him back at home with a joyous smile and a big kiss. "Congratulations!" he cheered, oblivious to Seokjin's turmoil. "You're one step closer to being a divorced man. I made lobster for dinner, your fav-"

"Lisa's pregnant, about six months."

Namjoon startled, dropping the glass he was holding with a loud shatter.

"Mm," Seokjin commented, sniffing the dish Namjoon had prepared. "This looks amazing. You made this?"

"No. I got it from the seafood shack down the road. You know I can't cook."

Seokjin hummed in appreciation and began to dish the food onto a plate. "Nonetheless, I'm starving. How was your day?"

"Lisa is pregnant," Namjoon repeated, still standing in a sea of broken glass. "and it's yours?"

"Seems that way," Seokjin confirmed, munching on the prepared lobster.

Namjoon walked over and took a seat beside his boyfriend. Seokjin was casually eating his dinner as if he hadn't just dropped life-altering information. The cat they had gotten together, Koya, hopped up onto the dinner table. Normally, Seokjin would swat him away with a scolding chatter, but tonight Seokjin allowed him to attempt and snatch some of the lobster.

"Okay," Namjoon was already working out a solution as he drummed his fingers on the table. "This isn't that big of a deal." He choked on a laugh before saying, "Congratulations, by the way. On becoming a dad."

𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℍ𝕒𝕫𝕖 (𝕥𝕒𝕖𝕜𝕠𝕠𝕜)Where stories live. Discover now