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I pushed, and pushed, and pushed my body to the max, the pain didn't exist, I was focused on one thing.

My family.

I didn't think I could run any faster until I could smell home, along with blood, and I pushed myself to run even faster.

I burst through the tree, coming to a sliding sideways halt and saw the battle going on in front of my eyes.

My pack was either fighting rogues or grizzlies, if not both. I couldn't see any one from my pack that was down or killed which I was grateful for, but we were out numbered. I hoped the pack could last until back up arrived.

I scanned the area trying to find my father because the head rogue and grizzly would go after him before coming to any one else, I did not find my father but I saw my brothers fighting as a team, and Julien handling a couple of rogues on his own.

I leaped into action when one of the rogues went for his throat and the other one went for his back, but before the one could get his back I tackled it and ripped its throat out with my teeth. I dropped the flesh to the ground and looked over to Julien who had done the same to the first rogue. He stared at me with blood dripping from his muzzle, which I did as well. I watched as Julien ran up to me and nuzzled his head against mine as we gently growled at each other, happy to see one another still alive.

"I have to find my father, have you seen him?" I said.

"No, he was at the house but once patrol gave us the word that we were about to be attacked, he got himself and other warriors ready for battle. I haven't seen him sense before all this." Julien told me.

"Please protect anyone that needs help, back up should be here soon, but I don't know how soon. I need to go find my father."

"Go, I will protect the pack with my life." Julien said before taking off into the battle to assist anyone he could.

I scanned the area again, but still no sign of my father. The area reaked of blood, but none of my father.

Where ever he is, it's not here. He must have lead who ever was after him away from battle.

I took off running through the battle grounds. I took down anyone I could get my claws or fangs into. It felt like hours of trying to get through the gore, but it had only been maybe a few minutes.

When I reached a clearing from the battle, I stopped in my tracks because of someone blocking my way.

The alpha rogue.

"Well, looks like the daughter of the great alpha actually lived through the attack." He said to me as he stepped closer to me.

"I had help." I watched him as he started to circle me.

"Pitty, I thought the female alpha could handle herself, oh but that is right. You weren't fully healed from your crash."

He was taunting me, but I knew to keep my cool and to never take my eyes off of my enemy.

"The crash that you or the head grizzly set up to kill me, which unfortunately for you, didn't kill me. Just made me stronger." I taunted back to him.

He continued to circle me, snarling at me and growling deeply.

"You will die today, one way or another." He said before he launched at me.

I ducked, rolled over and used my hind legs and kicked him into a tree before getting back on all fours and charged at him. He quickly got to his feet and swiped at my head as I lunged at him which sent me rolling. I could hear him running at me and before he could jump on me I rolled again and he missed. I jumped to my feet, when he lunge at me again I did an almost 180 turn and grabbed onto his side with my teeth and sling him back against another tree, I heard his bones break from the impact. He tried to stand up but could not keep his balance as his back leg had been broken in half from the impact.

I knew he was going to try and run so with my instincts kicking in, I lunge at him and before he could react I dip my claws into his ribs breaking every last one against the tree and I ripped the whole side of his throat out with my teeth. When I landed back on me feet, the rogue alpha collapsed to the ground, blood pouring out of his throat.

"I heard someone call for back up!"

I looked back to the battle and saw other packs had arrived to help the war, I watched as they ran in with no hesitation and now the enemy was out numbered. I wanted to watch the end result but I still needed to find my father.

I turned back to where the clearing was and stuck my nose to the air, I blocked out the smell of blood and focused on trying to find my fathers scent. Which fortunately I caught it, a small portion of it but I had it.

I took off down a path into the forest as I stayed focused on my fathers scent. I could smell the scent getting stronger as I stayed running down the path as the forest got thicker and thicker, I was also catching scents of the grizzly after him and water.

I stopped almost to a tree line when I noticed a grizzly standing closer to a cliff edge, I couldn't see my father until I walked closer and I saw between the bears legs that my father was in his wolf form, laying on his belly in front of the head grizzly.

I slowly and quietly stunk up to the very edge of the tree and watched what was happening in front of me.

"You pathetic old wolf, you honestly thought you could beat us, beat me. You are not your ancestors, you have failed the great alpha blood line, and when you are gone we will kill every one from your pack, starting with your daughter first. My men will have a wonderful and pleasurable time with her." The grizzly taunted my father, who was trying so hard to get up but the bear had one of its front paws on the middle of his back pushing him down into the ground, the bear was pushing so hard I could hear bones breaking.

"My daughter will save us, I may not have been able too but she will save us." My father groaned as he talked, he was running out of air.

"Goodbye old wolf, see you in hell." The bear raised its other front paw off the ground ready to swipe my father down.

Before the bear could move an inch I jumped out of the tree line and grabbed a hold of the bears paw that was raised with my teeth and sank my fangs deep into the bears flesh.

The bear roared and threw me to the ground where I rolled a couple of times to where I was laying on my belly. I groaned but I pushed myself up.

"I guess my men will have to wait, because I'm going to finish you myself." The bear roared and chased after me.

When he got close, I dodged but not quick enough because one of his claws caught my leg and ripped it straight down the whole leg.

I yelped but I didn't back down.

I was not standing in front of my fathers body as he was still struggling extremely to get on his feet, I couldn't take the bear on myself with strength so I had to out smart it, and I knew what I had to do. 

The bear was standing at the edge of the cliff, and my heart sank.

My pack was going to live even if that meant I didn't.

I felt a tear roll down my face, without taking my eyes off the bear I told my father one last thing.

"I love you dad, please tell them I did this for them. I wanted to be the best alpha and you made me into that, please tell Julien I love him and I will always love him no matter where I am. Thank you daddy, I will miss you."

Before my father could say anything with all the strength I had left and even more that I made myself give I ran at the bear and with everything in me I pushed the bear off the cliff, and I went with it too.

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